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Sample Care Area Assessment (CAA) for Feeding Tube Management

Resident Information:

  • Name: Helen Parker
  • ID: 789123
  • Date of Assessment: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Room Number: 308

Assessment Team:

  • Primary Nurse: Jessica Adams
  • MDS Coordinator: Richard Lee
  • Registered Dietitian (RD): Amanda Brooks
  • Gastroenterologist: Dr. Susan Patel
  • Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP): Michael Thompson

Care Area Assessed:     

  • Specify the care area: Feeding Tube Management

Step 1: Triggered Care Areas

  • Triggered by Helen's recent transition to enteral feeding through a gastrostomy tube, due to progressive dysphagia associated with her neurological condition.

Step 2: Review of MDS 3.0 Findings

  • Helen has been reliant on enteral nutrition for the past month, following a diagnosis that necessitated the insertion of a gastrostomy tube. She has a history of stroke, leading to significant swallowing difficulties.

Step 3: Detailed Assessment

  • Clinical findings: Assessment reveals the need for meticulous feeding tube care, monitoring for potential complications, and ensuring adequate nutritional support.
  • Review of medical records: Documentation of gastrostomy tube placement, nutritional regimen initiated by the RD, and ongoing monitoring of Helen's tolerance to enteral feeds.
  • Consultations with interdisciplinary team members: Emphasize the importance of a comprehensive feeding protocol, regular site care, and coordination between healthcare providers to manage Helen's nutritional needs effectively.
  • Resident and family interviews: Express concerns about the care and maintenance of the feeding tube and the impact on Helen's quality of life.

Step 4: Problem Identification

  • Identified risks include potential for tube displacement, site infection, aspiration pneumonia, and nutritional deficiencies or imbalances.

Step 5: Care Planning

  • Goal: To ensure effective feeding tube management, providing optimal nutritional support, preventing complications, and maintaining Helen's quality of life.
  • Interventions:
    • Implement a standardized tube feeding protocol, including volume, rate, and type of formula, as recommended by the RD.
    • Schedule regular site care and monitoring for signs of infection or irritation by nursing staff, with training provided as needed.
    • Conduct periodic reviews by the gastroenterologist to assess tube placement and function.
    • The SLP to evaluate swallowing ability periodically and provide recommendations for any possible oral intake.
    • Educate Helen and her family on feeding tube management and care to address concerns and promote involvement in her care.
  • Responsible Staff: Nursing Staff, RD, Gastroenterologist, SLP
  • Timelines: Immediate implementation with ongoing evaluation at weekly interdisciplinary team meetings and adjustments based on Helen's condition and feedback.

Step 6: Interdisciplinary Team Review

  • The team collaborates on Helen's care plan, ensuring a holistic approach to her feeding tube management and nutritional support.

Step 7: Resident and Family Engagement

  • Engaging Helen and her family in the care planning process ensures they are informed, comfortable, and supportive of the care interventions, aligning with Helen's needs and preferences.

Step 8: Monitoring and Reassessment

  • Short-Term: Daily monitoring of feeding tube function and site condition, with immediate adjustments to the feeding regimen as needed.
  • Long-Term: Monthly assessments of nutritional status, tube function, and overall well-being to ensure ongoing effectiveness of the feeding tube management plan.

Documentation and Signatures:

  • Signature of MDS Coordinator: Richard Lee, Date: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Signature of Primary Nurse: Jessica Adams, Date: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Signatures of other interdisciplinary team members involved.

IDT Meeting Follow-Up:

  • Scheduled Date: YYYY-MM-DD to review Helen's progress, discuss any challenges encountered in feeding tube management, and refine the care plan to continue supporting her nutritional needs and quality of life effectively.
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