GG0110B. Motorized wheelchair and/ or scooter, Step-by-Step

Fri, 10/04/2024 - 12:44
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GG0110B. Motorized wheelchair and/ or scooter, Step-by-Step

Step-by-Step Coding Guide for Item Set GG0110B: Motorized Wheelchair and/or Scooter

This guide is designed to ensure accurate coding and documentation for the use of a motorized wheelchair and/or scooter, as outlined in item GG0110B of the MDS 3.0.

1. Review of Medical Records

  • Objective: Determine if the resident uses a motorized wheelchair or scooter.
  • Key Points:
    • Examine the resident's medical records for notes from physical therapists, occupational therapists, or physicians that indicate the use of a motorized wheelchair or scooter.
    • Look for equipment orders, prescriptions for motorized mobility aids, or documentation of training on these devices.

2. Understanding Definitions

  • Objective: Define "Motorized Wheelchair and/or Scooter."
  • Key Points:
    • Motorized Wheelchair: A wheelchair that is powered electronically, typically for individuals who cannot manually propel a wheelchair.
    • Scooter: A mobility aid equivalent to a wheelchair but configured like a motor-scooter. It is often used by people with systemic or whole-body disabling conditions.

3. Coding Instructions

  • Objective: Guide on how to accurately code for the use of motorized mobility aids.
  • Key Points:
    • Code "1" if the resident uses a motorized wheelchair and/or scooter as part of their mobility inside and/or outside of the facility.
    • Code "0" if the resident does not use a motorized wheelchair and/or scooter.

4. Coding Tips

  • Confirm the current use of a motorized wheelchair or scooter, as needs may have changed since the last assessment or documentation.
  • Consider consulting directly with the resident or their family to verify the use and necessity of the motorized device.

5. Documentation

  • Objective: Maintain comprehensive documentation regarding the use of motorized mobility aids.
  • Key Points:
    • Document the assessment or recommendation for a motorized wheelchair or scooter, including the professional’s name and date of the recommendation.
    • Keep a record of the delivery, setup, and any training provided for the use of the motorized mobility aid.

6. Common Errors to Avoid

  • Coding a resident as using a motorized wheelchair or scooter without current or accurate documentation.
  • Overlooking temporary conditions that might affect the use of the mobility aid (e.g., a resident temporarily not using their scooter due to a recent fall).

7. Practical Application

  • Scenario: Mrs. Linda Thompson, a resident of the facility, has been documented using a motorized scooter for the past year due to severe arthritis that limits her ability to walk or use a manual wheelchair. During her most recent care plan review, her therapist confirmed she continues to use her scooter for all mobility, including activities inside and outside the facility. Based on this information, the MDS Coordinator codes "1" for GG0110B, accurately reflecting her use of a motorized mobility aid.





The Step-by-Step Coding Guide for item GG0110B in MDS 3.0 Section GG is based on the Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 User’s Manual, Version 1.18.11, dated October 2023. Healthcare guidelines, policies, and regulations can undergo frequent updates. Therefore, healthcare professionals must ensure they are referencing the most current version of the MDS 3.0 manual. This guide aims to assist with understanding and applying the coding procedures as outlined in the referenced manual version. However, in cases where there are updates or changes to the manual after the mentioned date, users should refer to the latest version of the manual for the most accurate and up-to-date information. The guide should not substitute for professional judgment and the consultation of the latest regulatory guidelines in the healthcare field.   



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