Resident Interviews-Abuse

LTCSP Initial Pool Care Areas Tabs

Describe any instances where staff: 

  • Made you feel afraid or humiliated/degraded  

  • Said mean things to you 

  • Hurt you (hit, slapped, shoved, handled you roughly) 

  • Made you feel uncomfortable (touched you inappropriately) 

  • Have you seen or heard of any residents being treated in any of these ways? 

  • Did you tell anyone about what happened (e.g., staff, family, or other residents)? What was their response?  


NOTE: If you receive an allegation of abuse, immediately report this to the facility administrator, or his/her designated representative if the administrator is not present. 


If the concern is dignity related, mark dignity as Further Investigation. 

Will update this area 

No Issues/NA 


Further Investigation 

LTCSP Initial Pool Care Areas Tabs

LTCSP Initial Pool Care Areas Tabs

Describe any instances where staff: 

  • Made you feel afraid or humiliated/degraded  

  • Said mean things to you 

  • Hurt you (hit, slapped, shoved, handled you roughly) 

  • Made you feel uncomfortable (touched you inappropriately) 

  • Have you seen or heard of any residents being treated in any of these ways? 

  • Did you tell anyone about what happened (e.g., staff, family, or other residents)? What was their response?  


NOTE: If you receive an allegation of abuse, immediately report this to the facility administrator, or his/her designated representative if the administrator is not present. 


If the concern is dignity related, mark dignity as Further Investigation. 

Will update this area 

No Issues/NA 


Further Investigation