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interdisciplinary team (IDT) meeting related to Medicare.


  1. Ownership/ Oversight Administrator: This person is typically the overall administrator of the facility and is responsible for ensuring that the facility is meeting all relevant Medicare regulations and guidelines.

    1. Ensure that meetings are scheduled and taking place regularly.

    2. Provide an overview of the facility's compliance with Medicare regulations.

    3. Address any issues identified during the compliance review.

    4. Communicate updates on changes in regulations or guidelines that may impact the facility.


  1. Business Office Manager: The business office manager is responsible for managing the financial aspects of the facility, including billing, insurance claims, and reimbursement.

    1. Review the financial status of each patient.

    2. Confirm the active insurance status of patients or residents.

    3. Inform team members about the specific insurance requirements for billing per contract, either by MDS assessment or contractual agreements.

    4. Conduct a thorough review of insurance claims and promptly report any issues.

    5. Monitor the 20-day limit for all Medicare patients and ensure copayment insurance is in place after the initial 20 days.

  2. Director of Nursing (DON)/ Nursing Representative: The DON or nursing representative is responsible for overseeing the nursing staff and ensuring that patients receive appropriate care. They are also responsible for ensuring that the nursing staff is following Medicare regulations and guidelines.

    1. Update team members on the care provided to each patient.

    2. Provide progress or complication updates on patient conditions.

    3. Discuss services needed upon a patient's discharge back to the community.

  3. Director/ Representative of Rehab: This person is responsible for overseeing the rehabilitation services provided to patients and ensuring that those services meet Medicare guidelines.

    1. Share updates on the rehabilitation services offered to patients.

    2. Inform the team about planned discharges before the next meeting.

    3. Discuss any equipment needed for patients upon discharge.

  4. MDS Coordinator/ Case Management: The MDS coordinator or case management representative is responsible for ensuring that patient assessments are completed and submitted in a timely manner, and that patients receive appropriate care based on their individual needs.

    1. Ensure the timely completion and submission of patient assessments.

    2. *******anyway be prepared to do everything LOL

  5. Social Services: The social services representative is responsible for addressing the social and emotional needs of patients, including helping them to adjust to life in the facility and addressing any concerns they may have.

    1. Address the social and emotional needs of patients.

    2. Participate in discharge planning discussions.

    3. Discuss services required when a patient is discharged back to the community.

During the IDT meeting, each team member will typically provide an update on their area of responsibility and any issues or concerns that they have identified. The team will then work together to develop a plan to address any issues and ensure that the patient's needs are being met. The person responsible for taking notes during the meeting will typically be the MDS coordinator or case management representative, as they are responsible for documenting patient assessments and care plans.

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