Medicare Basics

Medicare Part A is the portion of Medicare that covers hospital insurance. This includes coverage for skilled nursing care provided in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) under certain conditions, for a limited time.

To be eligible for Medicare Part A coverage for skilled nursing care in a SNF, the following conditions must be met:


Managed Care 101 (Medicare Advantage, SCO, Managed Medicaid, HMO, PPO)

Please note that this is a very basic overview to get you started.

What is managed care?

Managed care is a health care delivery system organized to manage cost, utilization, and quality.

Individuals who have enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B are eligible for coverage by an approved private insurer through Medicare Advantage (Medicare only) or SCO (Managing both Medicare and Medicaid).

Before the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act, seniors didn't have the option to enroll in Medicare Advantage.

Medicare Advantage is also known as Medicare Part C.