X0500: Social Security Number

Fri, 03/01/2024 - 15:12
min read
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X0500: Social Security Number

X0500: Social Security Number (A0600A on existing record to be modified/inactivated)


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Coding Instructions for X0500, Social Security Number

Fill in the boxes with the Social Security number exactly as submitted for item A0600 “Social Security and Medicare numbers" on the prior erroneous record to be modified/inactivated. If the Social Security number was unknown or unavailable and left blank on the prior record, leave X0500 blank.

Note that the Social Security number in X0500 does not have to match the current value of A0600 on a modification request. The entries may be different if the modification is correcting the Social Security number.










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client = ca-pub-6470796192896818
slot = 1904354087
format = auto