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Updated Care Plan for Risk of Elopement

Updated Care Plan for Risk of Elopement

Category / Primary Body System:

Safety / Cognitive and Behavioral Health


The resident is at risk for elopement (wandering away from the facility).


The resident will remain safe and feel secure in the facility.


  1. Elopement Risk Assessment:

    • Step: Assess for elopement potential.
    • Rationale: Identifying the resident’s risk factors for elopement allows for the implementation of targeted preventive measures.
    • Actions: Conduct a comprehensive elopement risk assessment upon admission and at regular intervals, documenting findings and updating the care plan accordingly.
  2. Behavior Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor for exit-seeking behaviors.
    • Rationale: Early detection of exit-seeking behaviors can prevent elopement and ensure timely intervention.
    • Actions: Observe the resident for signs of restlessness, agitation, or attempts to leave the facility. Document and report any incidents of exit-seeking behavior.
  3. Redirection Techniques:

    • Step: Redirect the resident from exits.
    • Rationale: Using redirection techniques helps manage the resident’s exit-seeking behaviors and maintains their safety.
    • Actions: Engage the resident in meaningful activities, conversations, or familiar routines to distract them from attempting to leave. Ensure staff are trained in effective redirection techniques.
  4. Location Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor the resident’s whereabouts.
    • Rationale: Continuous monitoring ensures the resident’s safety and allows for prompt response if they approach exits.
    • Actions: Implement regular check-ins and visual checks, particularly during high-risk times. Use tracking systems if available.
  5. Wanderguard Application:

    • Step: Attach a wanderguard device to the resident.
    • Rationale: Wanderguard devices alert staff if the resident approaches an exit, preventing elopement.
    • Actions: Securely attach the wanderguard device and check its functionality regularly. Ensure the device is comfortable for the resident and does not cause distress.
  6. Wanderguard Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor the placement and function of the wanderguard.
    • Rationale: Regular monitoring ensures the wanderguard is effective and working correctly.
    • Actions: Perform daily checks to confirm the wanderguard is in place and functioning. Replace batteries and maintain the device as needed.
  7. Identification Photo:

    • Step: Keep a current photo of the resident on file.
    • Rationale: Having an up-to-date photo assists staff and authorities in quickly identifying the resident in case of elopement.
    • Actions: Take a clear, recent photo of the resident upon admission and update it periodically. Ensure the photo is accessible to all staff.
  8. Staff Awareness:

    • Step: Alert staff to the resident’s elopement potential.
    • Rationale: Staff awareness and vigilance are crucial in preventing elopement and ensuring prompt intervention.
    • Actions: Communicate the resident’s elopement risk to all staff during handovers and meetings. Place alerts in the resident’s file and care plan.
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