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Updated Care Plan for Potential for Dehydration

Updated Care Plan for Potential for Dehydration

Category / Primary Body System:

Fluid and Electrolyte Balance / Renal System


The resident is at risk for complications due to potential dehydration.


The resident will not exhibit signs of dehydration (i.e., dry mucous membranes, poor skin turgor) for 90 days.


  1. Encourage Fluid Consumption:

    • Step: Encourage fluid consumption if not contraindicated.
    • Rationale: Adequate hydration is essential to prevent dehydration and maintain overall health.
    • Actions: Offer a variety of fluids throughout the day, encourage the resident to drink small amounts frequently, and provide fluids that the resident prefers. Track daily fluid intake to ensure goals are met.
  2. Laboratory Monitoring:

    • Step: Conduct labs as ordered.
    • Rationale: Regular lab tests help monitor the resident’s hydration status and detect any imbalances early.
    • Actions: Collect and review lab samples as prescribed, including electrolytes, BUN, and creatinine. Report any abnormalities to the healthcare provider promptly.
  3. Medication Administration:

    • Step: Administer medications as ordered.
    • Rationale: Certain medications can impact fluid balance and hydration status.
    • Actions: Administer prescribed medications on schedule, monitor for side effects, and ensure they do not contribute to dehydration. Report any concerns to the healthcare provider.
  4. Dietary Management:

    • Step: Follow diet as ordered and arrange dietary consults as needed.
    • Rationale: Proper nutrition supports hydration and overall health.
    • Actions: Ensure the resident follows a balanced diet with appropriate fluid-rich foods. Consult with a dietitian to develop a meal plan that promotes hydration and addresses any specific dietary needs.
  5. Monitoring for Dehydration Signs:

    • Step: Monitor residents for signs of dehydration and notify MD/RNP if any signs are observed.
    • Rationale: Early detection of dehydration signs allows for prompt intervention.
    • Actions: Regularly assess the resident for signs such as dry mucous membranes, poor skin turgor, decreased urine output, and confusion. Document findings and report any concerns immediately.
  6. Patient Education:

    • Step: Provide patient teaching as appropriate.
    • Rationale: Educating the resident about the importance of hydration helps them understand the need to maintain adequate fluid intake.
    • Actions: Explain the signs and symptoms of dehydration, the importance of drinking fluids regularly, and how different factors (e.g., weather, activity level) can affect hydration needs. Provide written materials if needed.
  7. Weight Monitoring:

    • Step: Weigh the resident as ordered.
    • Rationale: Regular weight monitoring helps detect fluid balance changes, which can indicate dehydration.
    • Actions: Weigh the resident at the same time each day using the same scale. Document and track weight trends, and report significant changes to the healthcare provider.
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