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Updated Care Plan for Post Abdominal Surgery

Updated Care Plan for Post Abdominal Surgery

Category / Primary Body System:

Post-Surgical Care / Gastrointestinal and Integumentary Systems


Patient is at risk for complications following abdominal surgery.


The patient will have no signs or symptoms of infection at the incisional site for 90 days.


  1. Incision Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor the surgical incision closely for signs and symptoms of infection, including redness, swelling, purulent drainage, dehiscence, warmth, and fever.
    • Rationale: Early detection of infection signs allows for prompt intervention, reducing the risk of complications.
    • Actions: Inspect the incision site at least once per shift, document findings, and report any abnormalities to the attending MD and/or surgeon.
  2. Infection Notification:

    • Step: Notify the attending MD and/or surgeon with any signs or symptoms of infection.
    • Rationale: Prompt communication with the healthcare provider ensures timely treatment of potential infections.
    • Actions: Immediately report any signs of infection, including changes in the incision site appearance, to the appropriate medical personnel.
  3. Respiratory Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor lung sounds daily and notify MD with any adventitious lung sounds.
    • Rationale: Monitoring lung sounds helps detect respiratory complications early, such as atelectasis or pneumonia.
    • Actions: Auscultate lung sounds daily, document findings, and notify the MD of any abnormal sounds.
  4. Cough and Deep Breathing:

    • Step: Encourage the patient to cough and deep breathe regularly.
    • Rationale: Deep breathing and coughing exercises help prevent respiratory complications by promoting lung expansion and clearing secretions.
    • Actions: Instruct the patient on proper techniques for coughing and deep breathing, and encourage frequent practice.
  5. Incisional Splinting Education:

    • Step: Provide teaching regarding splinting the incisional area with a pillow during coughing or sneezing to reduce pain.
    • Rationale: Splinting helps reduce pain and prevent strain on the incision site during coughing or sneezing.
    • Actions: Demonstrate the technique of using a pillow to splint the incision site, and ensure the patient understands and practices it.
  6. Mobility and Rehabilitation:

    • Step: Assist with mobility and provide rehab services as ordered to increase function.
    • Rationale: Early and safe mobilization aids recovery, reduces the risk of complications such as deep vein thrombosis, and improves overall function.
    • Actions: Assist the patient with mobility exercises and coordinate with rehabilitation services for a structured mobility plan.
  7. Laboratory Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor labs as ordered and report to the MD.
    • Rationale: Regular lab monitoring helps track the patient’s recovery and detect any underlying issues early.
    • Actions: Schedule and review lab tests, document results, and report any abnormalities to the MD.
  8. Vital Signs Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor vital signs frequently and notify MD of any changes.
    • Rationale: Monitoring vital signs provides early detection of potential complications, such as infection or bleeding.
    • Actions: Check vital signs according to protocol, document findings, and report significant changes to the MD.
  9. Activity Restrictions:

    • Step: Instruct the patient to avoid heavy lifting, pushing, or pulling for 6 weeks.
    • Rationale: Limiting strenuous activities helps prevent strain on the incision site and promotes healing.
    • Actions: Educate the patient on activity restrictions and ensure they understand the importance of adhering to them.
  10. Bowel Movement Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor bowel movement patterns closely and intervene early for constipation.
    • Rationale: Preventing constipation reduces strain on the abdominal muscles and incision site.
    • Actions: Track bowel movements, provide dietary recommendations, and administer laxatives or stool softeners as needed.
  11. Pain Management:

    • Step: Actively manage pain according to the pain care plan.
    • Rationale: Effective pain management enhances patient comfort, facilitates mobility, and promotes recovery.
    • Actions: Assess pain levels regularly, administer prescribed pain medications, and use non-pharmacological pain relief methods as appropriate.
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