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Updated Care Plan for Pain Management

Updated Care Plan for Pain Management

Category / Primary Body System:

Pain Management / Nervous System


The patient has potential for alterations in comfort due to pain.


The patient will not experience pain or will maintain an acceptable level of pain (per patient) daily for 90 days.


  1. Pain Assessment:

    • Step: Conduct pain assessments according to protocol on admission, quarterly, and as needed.
    • Rationale: Regular pain assessments help in identifying and managing pain effectively.
    • Actions: Utilize standardized pain assessment tools (e.g., Numeric Rating Scale, Wong-Baker FACES) during admission, quarterly reviews, and as the patient's condition changes. Document findings accurately.
  2. Routine Pain Checks:

    • Step: Assess for pain every shift (Q shift) and PRN.
    • Rationale: Frequent assessments ensure timely intervention and pain control.
    • Actions: Perform pain assessments at the beginning of each shift and whenever the patient reports pain. Record the intensity, location, and nature of the pain.
  3. Medication Administration:

    • Step: Administer pain medications as ordered.
    • Rationale: Proper administration of pain medications is essential for effective pain relief.
    • Actions: Administer prescribed analgesics on schedule and PRN, monitor for efficacy and side effects, and document the administration and patient’s response.
  4. Persistent Pain Management:

    • Step: Notify the MD for any persistent pain not relieved by medications.
    • Rationale: Persistent pain requires further medical evaluation and possible adjustment of the treatment plan.
    • Actions: Monitor the patient’s pain levels after medication administration, and promptly report any persistent or escalating pain to the healthcare provider.
  5. Therapy Consultations:

    • Step: Arrange PT/OT consultations as needed.
    • Rationale: Physical and occupational therapy can provide additional strategies for managing pain and improving function.
    • Actions: Schedule evaluations with physical and occupational therapists, implement recommended exercises or interventions, and monitor the patient’s progress.
  6. Family Involvement:

    • Step: Encourage family participation, if available, in managing the patient’s pain.
    • Rationale: Family support can enhance the patient’s comfort and adherence to pain management strategies.
    • Actions: Educate family members about pain management techniques, involve them in care activities, and encourage their emotional support.
  7. Non-Pharmacological Interventions:

    • Step: Use non-pharmacological forms of intervention (e.g., cold compress) as needed.
    • Rationale: Non-pharmacological interventions can complement medication therapy and provide additional pain relief.
    • Actions: Apply cold or warm compresses, encourage relaxation techniques, and provide comfort measures such as positioning and massage. Evaluate and document the effectiveness of these interventions.
  8. Non-Verbal Pain Monitoring:

    • Step: Monitor the patient for non-verbal expressions of pain (e.g., grimacing, moaning, guarding).
    • Rationale: Recognizing non-verbal cues is crucial for managing pain in patients who may have difficulty communicating their pain levels.
    • Actions: Observe the patient for signs of pain during routine interactions and care activities. Document observations and take appropriate action to alleviate discomfort.
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