Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program:

Detailed Question

The IMPACT Act of 2014 established the SNF QRP. Amending Section 1888(e) of the Social Security Act, the IMPACT Act mandates that SNFs are to collect and report on standardized resident assessment data. Failure to report such data results in a 2 percent reduction in the SNF’s market basket percentage for the applicable fiscal year. Data collected for the SNF QRP is submitted through the Quality Improvement Evaluation System (QIES) Assessment Submission and Processing (ASAP) system as it currently is for other MDS assessments

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Respite Resident

Detailed Question

If the respite resident is in a certified bed, the OBRA assessment schedule and tracking document requirements must be followed.

  • If the respite resident is in the facility for fewer than 14 days, an OBRA Admission assessment is not required; however, an OBRA Discharge assessment is required: —
    • Given the nature of a short-term or respite resident, staff members may not have access to all information required to complete some MDS items prior to the resident’s discharge.
    • In that case, the “not assessed/no information” coding convention should be used (“-”) (See Chapter 3 for more information).
    • Regardless of the resident’s length of stay, the facility must still have a process in place to identify the resident’s needs and must initiate a plan of care to meet those needs upon admission. —
    • If the resident is eligible for Medicare Part A benefits, a Medicare assessment will still be required to support payment under the SNF PPS.
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CMS Designation of the RAI for Nursing Homes

Detailed Question

Federal regulatory requirements at 42 CFR 483.20(b)(1) and 483.20(c) require facilities to use an RAI that has been specified by CMS. The Federal requirement also mandates facilities to encode and electronically transmit MDS 3.0 data. (Detailed submission requirements are located in Chapter 5.)

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