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The OBRA Admission (Initial) Assessment

The OBRA Admission (Initial) Assessment is a crucial component of the resident assessment process within nursing facilities. This assessment is mandated under the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), which requires nursing homes to conduct comprehensive assessments of all their residents' needs. Here is a detailed breakdown regarding the naming, timing, and scheduling of the OBRA Admission Assessment:


The term "OBRA Admission Assessment" refers to the comprehensive evaluation conducted when a resident is first admitted to a nursing facility. This assessment is designed to capture a complete picture of the resident's health status, functional capabilities, and psychosocial needs to inform their individualized care plan.


  • Admission Date: The assessment process begins from the date the resident is admitted to the facility. For the purposes of the MDS, the admission date marks the start of the assessment window.
  • Completion Requirements: The OBRA Admission Assessment must be completed within 14 days of the resident's admission to the facility. This timeframe ensures that the care planning process is initiated promptly to meet the resident's needs.


  • Assessment Reference Date (ARD): The facility must set the ARD, which is the last day of the observation period for the assessment, within the required timeframe. For an Admission Assessment, the ARD typically falls within the first 14 days following the resident's admission.
  • Assessment Completion: The actual completion of the OBRA Admission Assessment involves gathering and documenting comprehensive information about the resident. This includes medical history, current health status, and preferences. The assessment is considered complete when all required sections of the MDS have been filled out and the documentation is signed and dated by the RN Assessment Coordinator.

Key Points:

  • The OBRA Admission Assessment is foundational for developing a care plan that addresses the resident's immediate and long-term needs.
  • It encompasses a wide range of domains, including cognitive patterns, communication/hearing patterns, vision, mood and behavior patterns, psychosocial well-being, physical functioning and structural problems, continence, disease diagnoses, health conditions, dental and nutritional status, skin conditions, activity pursuit, medications, and special treatments and procedures.
  • Timely and accurate completion of the OBRA Admission Assessment is critical for compliance with regulatory requirements and for ensuring that residents receive appropriate, individualized care from the outset of their stay in the facility.

In summary, the OBRA Admission Assessment is a critical step in the care planning process, ensuring that each resident's needs are comprehensively assessed and addressed from the time of admission, thereby laying the groundwork for quality care tailored to the individual's specific needs and preferences.



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