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Nursing Management Meetings Policy

Nursing Management Meetings Policy

Effective Date: [Original NPP Date]
Revised Date: [Current Date]


The Director of Nursing will hold monthly meetings with the Nursing Management team, which includes the Assistant Director of Nursing, Resident Care Coordinators, Staff Development Director, Infection Preventionist, and Nursing Supervisors. These meetings aim to promote communication, problem-solving, and team development.


I. Scheduling:

  1. Meetings are to be scheduled monthly.

II. Agenda Items:

  1. Review of pertinent information from Department Head Meetings.
  2. Review of pertinent information from corporate meetings.
  3. Quality Improvement Reports.
  4. Clinical Issues identified in the facility.
  5. Nursing Operational Issues.


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. State Operations Manual, Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current CMS SOM]
  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current guidelines]





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