MDS-Case Studies & Questions

Sat, 01/14/2023 - 00:49

MDS-Case Studies & Questions

The case studies are provided as part of the MDS 3.0 s sensitization program which provides future MDS nurses with the opportunity to code every element of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI). It should be noted that all cases are fiction and they do not represent any real patient/resident and although the composer has drawn from their experience any similarities is pure coincident  

MDS  Learning Hub offer user a way to familiarize themselves with the various sections/questions for MDS through MDS Practice part of the website. It should be noted that MDS Practice has the same question as MDS software that MDS nurses uses during their day to day, but IT DOES NOT, follow the same computer algorithms. Therefore, while one will get familiar with the various question, the MDS practice will not disable certain question(s) (follow Skip pattern) or trigger care area depending on your question as it would be expected while using workplace software. Hopeful as we invest time and money, we will be able to come up with a robust platform.

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