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Feeding Tube Placement Care Plan

Category / Primary Body System: Gastrointestinal System


The patient is at risk for complications related to feeding tube placement.


Ensure the feeding tube remains patent and free from complications for 90 days.


  1. Elevate Bed: Maintain the head of the bed elevated between 30-45 degrees at all times to prevent aspiration.
  2. Input and Output Recording: Diligently record all inputs and outputs to monitor fluid balance and nutritional intake.
  3. Medication Administration: Administer medications via the tube as prescribed, ensuring compatibility and appropriate dilution.
  4. Lab Monitoring: Regularly monitor laboratory values to assess the patient's nutritional status and identify potential complications early.
  5. Aspiration Monitoring: Watch for signs and symptoms of aspiration, notifying the medical team as needed for prompt intervention.
  6. Free Water Flushes: Perform free water flushes as ordered to maintain hydration and tube patency.
  7. Patency Checks: Check the tube for patency at the beginning of each shift to ensure it remains unobstructed.
  8. Infection Monitoring: Monitor the tube site for signs of infection, implementing ordered treatments promptly to prevent complications.
  9. Dietary Consultation: Engage dietary services as needed to optimize nutritional support and adjust the feeding regimen based on the patient's condition and progress.


Elevating the bed reduces the risk of aspiration pneumonia. Regular input/output monitoring is crucial for managing fluid and nutritional needs. Administering medications as prescribed and ensuring lab values are within normal ranges help in early detection of complications. Monitoring for aspiration and infection and performing patency checks are essential for preventing common tube-related complications. Free water flushes maintain hydration and tube functionality. Dietary consultations ensure the patient's nutritional requirements are met, promoting recovery and reducing the risk of malnutrition.


  • Train staff on the proper technique for elevating the bed and why it's necessary.
  • Implement a protocol for recording all inputs and outputs accurately.
  • Provide guidelines for medication administration through the feeding tube, including a compatibility chart and dilution instructions.
  • Schedule regular lab draws as part of the patient's care routine, with specific attention to electrolytes, renal function, and nutritional markers.
  • Educate staff on recognizing signs of aspiration and infection, including the importance of timely medical notification.
  • Establish a schedule for free water flushes and tube patency checks, including documentation requirements.
  • Coordinate with dietary services to assess the patient's nutritional needs and adjust the feeding plan as necessary.



DALL·E Prompt:

Create an informative illustration that depicts a holistic fall prevention program for the elderly. Include visual cues for environmental safety modifications, a physical therapy session focusing on balance exercises, the use of assistive devices for mobility, educational materials on fall prevention, and a medication review with a healthcare provider. Highlight the importance of Vitamin D for musculoskeletal health.

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