F0300: Should Interview for Daily and Activity Preferences Be Conducted?

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F0300: Should Interview for Daily and Activity Preferences Be Conducted?

F0300: Should Interview for Daily and Activity Preferences Be Conducted?


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Item Rationale

Health-related Quality of Life

Most residents capable of communicating can answer questions about what they like.

Obtaining information about preferences directly from the resident, sometimes called “hearing the resident’s voice,” is the most reliable and accurate way of identifying preferences.

If a resident cannot communicate, then family or significant other who knows the resident well may be able to provide useful information about preferences.

Planning for Care

Quality of life can be greatly enhanced when care respects the resident’s choice regarding anything that is important to the resident.

Interviews allow the resident’s voice to be reflected in the care plan.

Information about preferences that comes directly from the resident provides specific information for individualized daily care and activity planning.

Steps for Assessment

Interact with the resident using their preferred language. Be sure they can hear you and/or has access to their preferred method for communication. If the resident appears unable to communicate, offer alternatives such as writing, pointing, sign language, or cue cards.

There may be times when, due to medical or psychiatric conditions, a resident has difficulty communicating and understanding. When conducting resident interviews, providers are to assess and use their clinical judgment to determine the best time in which to attempt to conduct the resident interview. Providers are to attempt to conduct the interview with all conscious residents.



The determination as to whether or not a resident interview is conducted is not based on the response to item B0700, Makes Self Understood. Instead, the resident interview is attempted, and is only terminated based on the response or lack of response to the resident interview questions/statements according to the coding instructions provided for the interview which would render the interview incomplete.

If the resident is unable to complete the resident interview, attempt to conduct the interview with a family member or significant other. If neither a family member nor significant other is available, skip to item F0800, Staff Assessment of Daily and Activity Preferences.

Conduct the interview during the observation period.

Review Language item (A1110) to determine whether or not the resident needs or wants an interpreter.

If the resident needs or wants an interpreter, complete the interview with an interpreter.


Coding Instructions

Code 0, no: if the interview should not be conducted with the resident. This option should be selected for residents who are rarely/never understood, who need an interpreter but one was not available, and who do not have a family member or significant other available for interview. Skip to F0800, (Staff Assessment of Daily and Activity Preferences).

Code 1, yes: if the resident interview should be conducted. This option should be selected for residents who are able to be understood, for whom an interpreter is not needed or is present, or who have a family member or significant other available for interview. Continue to F0400 (Interview for Daily Preferences) and F0500 (Interview for Activity Preferences).


Coding Tips and Special Populations

If the resident needs an interpreter, every effort should be made to have an interpreter present for the MDS clinical interview. If it is not possible for a needed interpreter to be present on the day of the interview, and a family member or significant other is not available for interview, code F0300 = 0 to indicate interview not attempted, and complete the Staff Assessment of Daily and Activity Preferences (F0800) instead of the interview with the resident (F0400 and F0500).

If the resident interview was not conducted within the look-back period of the ARD, item F0300 must be coded 1, Yes, and the standard “no information” code (a dash “-”) entered in the resident interview items.

Do not complete the Staff Assessment of Daily and Activity Preferences items (F0700– F0800) if the resident interview should have been conducted, but was not done.



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