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Elopement Risk Care Plan

Elopement Risk Care Plan

Category / Primary Body System: Safety / Behavioral Management

Problem: The resident is at risk for elopement, posing a safety concern.

Goal: The resident will not leave the facility without a responsible person accompanying them.


  1. Continuous Monitoring: Implement continuous observation and whereabouts tracking.
  2. Elopement Risk Assessment: Perform assessments upon admission and quarterly.
  3. Education and Engagement: Educate the family and engage the resident in activities.
  4. Secure Environment: Secure exits, windows, and potential escape routes.
  5. Identification and Tracking: Utilize wander management systems like ID bracelets.
  6. Staff Training and Awareness: Train staff on elopement prevention and immediate response.
  7. Immediate Response Plan: Develop a plan for immediate action if elopement occurs.


  1. Continuous monitoring helps prevent unsupervised exits.
  2. Regular assessments identify changes in elopement risk.
  3. Education and engagement address potential wandering triggers.
  4. A secure environment prevents unauthorized exits.
  5. Identification systems enable quick location of residents.
  6. Staff training ensures preparedness for elopement risks.
  7. An immediate response plan facilitates swift action to ensure resident safety.


  • Install monitoring technology and conduct staff training on its use.
  • Schedule elopement risk assessments for new and existing residents.
  • Organize family education sessions and resident engagement activities.
  • Review and upgrade security measures for exits and windows.
  • Distribute and register ID bracelets for at-risk residents.
  • Develop and distribute the immediate response plan to all staff.




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