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Dysphagia Care Plan

Dysphagia Care Plan

Category / Primary Body System: Gastrointestinal System / Swallowing Disorders

Problem: The patient is at risk of complications due to Dysphagia, including aspiration and choking.

Goal: The patient will not experience episodes of aspiration or choking for the next 30 days.


  1. Speech Therapy Evaluation and Treatment: Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of swallowing function and customize a treatment plan.
  2. Patient and Caregiver Education: Educate on dysphagia management, safe swallowing techniques, and adherence to dietary recommendations.
  3. Nutritional Management: Collaborate with a dietitian for a mechanically altered diet suitable for the patient’s condition.
  4. Mealtime Assistance and Supervision: Train staff to assist and monitor the patient during meals, ensuring an upright position.
  5. Environmental Modifications: Utilize adaptive utensils and modify the dining environment to promote safety.


  1. Speech therapy can identify specific swallowing deficits and develop targeted strategies to improve safety and efficiency.
  2. Education ensures understanding of dysphagia risks and management strategies, empowering patients and caregivers.
  3. A tailored diet minimizes aspiration risk while meeting nutritional needs.
  4. Supervision and assistance during meals prevent episodes of choking and aspiration.
  5. Adaptive utensils and environmental adjustments enhance independence and safety during meals.


  • Schedule speech therapy assessment within one week.
  • Provide educational materials and sessions for the patient and family.
  • Coordinate with a dietitian to adjust the patient’s diet.
  • Implement mealtime supervision protocols.
  • Assess and provide necessary adaptive equipment for dining.
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