Catastrophic Reaction- Developing a care plan: Management of Behavioral Symptoms

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Catastrophic Reaction- Developing a care plan: Management of Behavioral Symptoms

When developing a care plan for managing catastrophic reactions or emotional outbursts in residents, it is important to keep in mind that these behaviors usually occur because the resident feels overwhelmed or is experiencing a sense of failure. Here are some interventions that can be included in the care plan:

  1. Person with the best relationship should respond: Identify the staff member who has the best relationship with the resident and ensure that they are the ones to respond to the behavior.

  2. Approach slowly and calmly from the side or front: When approaching the resident, do so slowly and calmly from the side or front, as sudden movements or surprises can trigger further emotional outbursts.

  3. Use a gently firm tone of voice: Use a tone of voice that is firm but gentle to help the resident feel supported and understood.

  4. Do not try to reason: Avoid reasoning with the resident as they may not be receptive to logic during a state of emotional distress.

  5. Use touch only if the resident is accepting: Use touch to comfort the resident only if they are accepting of physical contact. Otherwise, keep a safe distance.

  6. Give verbal reassurance: Use verbal reassurance to let the resident know that they are safe and supported.

  7. Use distraction through conversation or activity: Use distraction techniques, such as engaging the resident in conversation or offering an activity, to redirect their focus away from the emotional outburst.

  8. Guide resident to quiet place: Guide the resident to a quiet and calming environment to help them relax and feel more secure.

  9. Do not call attention to behavior: Avoid calling attention to the resident's behavior or making them feel embarrassed or ashamed.

  10. Call for help from another staff member to maintain safety: If necessary, call for help from another staff member to maintain safety for the resident and staff.

These interventions can be customized for each resident and their individual needs and preferences. Regular evaluation and review of the care plan can help ensure its effectiveness in managing catastrophic reactions and emotional outbursts.