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Care Plan for Potential Social Isolation and/or Activity Deficit

Care Plan for Potential Social Isolation and/or Activity Deficit

Category / Primary Body System

  • Psychosocial / Mental Health


  • Potential for social isolation and/or activity deficit related to limited engagement in social and recreational activities.


  • Resident will actively participate and socialize in 1:1 visits 2-3 times a week.
  • Resident will attend 1 activity 5 times a week.


  1. Approach and Engagement

    • Approach the resident in a calm manner, introducing yourself to build rapport and trust.
    • Encourage verbalization and socialization during 1:1 visits 2-3 times a week or as tolerated to enhance engagement.
  2. Activity Involvement

    • Review the activity calendar with the resident to identify events of interest.
    • Invite, encourage, and escort the resident to activities of known interest to promote participation.
    • Re-involve the resident in all group activities whenever possible to foster a sense of community.
  3. Personal Interests and Hobbies

    • Offer music, magazines, word games, or trivia sheets to provide entertainment and mental stimulation.
    • Offer refreshments during activities to create a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere.
  4. Social Interaction and Discussion

    • Involve the resident in discussions about the facility and current events to keep them informed and engaged.
    • Introduce the resident to peers with similar interests to build social connections and friendships.
  5. Family Involvement

    • Involve family members whenever possible to strengthen support networks and encourage participation in activities.
  6. Recognition and Respect

    • Praise all efforts and accomplishments to boost the resident’s confidence and self-esteem.
    • Thank the resident and respect their right to refuse participation in activities, ensuring their choices are honored.
  7. Infection Control

    • Follow infection control procedures in coordination with nursing to ensure a safe environment for socialization and activities.


  1. Approach and Engagement

    • A calm and welcoming approach helps build trust and encourages the resident to engage in social interactions.
  2. Activity Involvement

    • Reviewing the activity calendar and escorting the resident to activities increases the likelihood of participation and reduces feelings of isolation.
  3. Personal Interests and Hobbies

    • Providing activities that match the resident’s interests ensures engagement and mental stimulation, promoting overall well-being.
  4. Social Interaction and Discussion

    • Involvement in discussions and introductions to peers fosters social connections and helps the resident feel part of the community.
  5. Family Involvement

    • Family involvement enhances the resident’s support network and encourages participation in social and recreational activities.
  6. Recognition and Respect

    • Praising efforts and respecting choices boosts the resident’s self-esteem and autonomy, fostering a positive environment.
  7. Infection Control

    • Adhering to infection control procedures ensures the safety of the resident and others during social interactions and activities.


  1. Approach and Engagement

    • Approach the resident calmly and introduce yourself to build rapport.
    • Encourage socialization during scheduled 1:1 visits, documenting participation and responses.
  2. Activity Involvement

    • Review and discuss the activity calendar with the resident, highlighting events of interest.
    • Escort the resident to activities, ensuring they feel supported and welcomed.
    • Encourage participation in group activities, documenting involvement and any feedback.
  3. Personal Interests and Hobbies

    • Provide access to music, magazines, word games, or trivia sheets that match the resident’s interests.
    • Offer refreshments during activities to enhance the experience.
  4. Social Interaction and Discussion

    • Engage the resident in discussions about current events and facility news.
    • Introduce the resident to peers with similar interests to encourage social connections.
  5. Family Involvement

    • Communicate with family members to encourage their involvement in the resident’s activities and support them in participating.
  6. Recognition and Respect

    • Acknowledge and praise the resident’s efforts and participation.
    • Respect the resident’s decisions regarding activity participation, documenting refusals respectfully.
  7. Infection Control

    • Implement infection control measures during all social interactions and activities, coordinating with nursing staff to ensure safety.
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