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Care Plan for ADL Assistance

Care Plan for ADL Assistance

Category / Primary Body System

  • General Care


  • Resident requires assistance performing activities of daily living (ADLs) including bathing, dressing, grooming, transfers, ambulation, and mobility.


  • Resident will wash their face, hands, and arms daily for the next 90 days.


  1. Bathing and Hygiene

    • Provide a shower or bath weekly or as needed to ensure overall hygiene.
    • Set up clothes, linen, and basin as needed to facilitate daily washing and dressing.
    • Assist or supervise oral care daily to maintain oral hygiene.
    • Assist or supervise with hair brushing every day, shampooing at least once per week.
  2. Skin Integrity Monitoring

    • Monitor skin integrity daily and notify the physician immediately if there is any loss of skin integrity.
  3. Dressing and Grooming

    • Assist with dressing according to the resident’s tolerance to maintain dignity and comfort.
    • Keep care instructions simple, clear, and direct to ensure the resident understands and can participate as much as possible.
    • Provide assistance for areas the resident is unable to complete independently.
  4. Task Segmentation and Support

    • Provide task segmentation to preserve the resident’s independent function, breaking tasks into manageable steps.
    • Encourage rest periods if needed to complete self-care without causing fatigue.
    • Monitor for acute illness or weakness and provide additional assistance as needed.
  5. Meal Assistance

    • Assist the resident with meal setup as indicated to ensure they can eat comfortably and safely.
  6. Occupational Therapy (OT)

    • Implement OT interventions as per the therapist’s plan to improve the resident’s ability to perform ADLs independently.


  1. Bathing and Hygiene

    • Regular bathing and daily hygiene practices help maintain the resident’s cleanliness, reduce the risk of infections, and promote overall well-being.
  2. Skin Integrity Monitoring

    • Monitoring skin integrity is crucial for early detection of pressure ulcers or other skin issues, allowing for prompt intervention.
  3. Dressing and Grooming

    • Assisting with dressing and grooming enhances the resident’s comfort, dignity, and self-esteem.
  4. Task Segmentation and Support

    • Breaking tasks into smaller steps and providing rest periods help maintain the resident’s energy levels and independence.
  5. Meal Assistance

    • Assisting with meal setup ensures the resident receives adequate nutrition, which is essential for overall health and strength.
  6. Occupational Therapy (OT)

    • OT interventions help improve the resident’s functional abilities and promote independence in performing ADLs.


  1. Bathing and Hygiene

    • Provide a weekly shower or bath, adjusting the frequency as needed.
    • Set up necessary items (clothes, linen, basin) for daily washing.
    • Assist or supervise oral care daily, ensuring thorough cleaning.
    • Assist with hair brushing daily and shampooing at least once per week.
  2. Skin Integrity Monitoring

    • Check the resident’s skin daily for any signs of breakdown or issues, documenting findings and notifying the physician if necessary.
  3. Dressing and Grooming

    • Help the resident dress according to their tolerance, ensuring comfort and dignity.
    • Use simple, clear instructions during care to facilitate understanding.
    • Provide necessary assistance with grooming tasks the resident cannot complete independently.
  4. Task Segmentation and Support

    • Break down tasks into manageable steps to promote independence.
    • Encourage and provide rest periods during ADLs to prevent fatigue.
    • Monitor for signs of illness or weakness, adjusting assistance as needed.
  5. Meal Assistance

    • Assist with meal setup, ensuring the resident can eat safely and comfortably.
  6. Occupational Therapy (OT)

    • Follow the OT therapist’s plan to implement interventions that support the resident’s ability to perform ADLs.
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