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Behavior Problems

Care Plan for Behavior Problems

Category / Primary Body System

  • Psychosocial


  • I exhibit behavior problems as evidenced by (AEB).


  • I will not have behavioral problems for 90 days.


  1. Calm Redirection

    • Redirect me calmly when exhibiting behavior problems to help de-escalate situations without causing additional stress.
  2. Medication Management

    • Administer medications as ordered to help manage underlying conditions contributing to behavior problems.
  3. Psychiatric Consultation

    • Psych consult as ordered to provide specialized care and adjust treatment plans as necessary.
  4. Lab Monitoring

    • Check lab levels as needed to monitor for any physiological changes that could be affecting behavior.
  5. Diversional Activities

    • Encourage participation in diversional activities to provide positive outlets for energy and focus.
  6. Behavior Monitoring

    • Monitor for increased behavioral problems that are not altered by interventions and notify MD/RNP as needed.
  7. Safe Environment

    • Provide a safe environment to prevent injury and promote a sense of security.
  8. Non-Confrontational Approach

    • Do not argue with me when exhibiting behavior to prevent escalation and maintain a supportive atmosphere.


  1. Calm Redirection

    • Calm redirection helps to de-escalate potentially volatile situations and encourages positive behavior without increasing agitation.
  2. Medication Management

    • Medications can help manage underlying conditions that may be contributing to behavior problems, ensuring I receive appropriate treatment.
  3. Psychiatric Consultation

    • Regular psychiatric consultations ensure that my mental health is closely monitored and that treatment plans are adjusted as necessary.
  4. Lab Monitoring

    • Checking lab levels can identify any physiological changes or imbalances that may be contributing to behavior problems, allowing for timely intervention.
  5. Diversional Activities

    • Engaging in diversional activities provides positive outlets for energy and helps reduce instances of negative behavior.
  6. Behavior Monitoring

    • Continuous monitoring allows for early identification of escalating behavior, ensuring timely interventions to prevent harm or distress.
  7. Safe Environment

    • A safe environment is essential for preventing injury and creating a secure, supportive setting for managing behavior problems.
  8. Non-Confrontational Approach

    • Avoiding confrontation prevents escalation and maintains a calm, supportive environment that is conducive to positive behavior changes.


  1. Calm Redirection

    • Staff will redirect me calmly when exhibiting behavior problems.
  2. Medication Management

    • Staff will administer medications as ordered.
  3. Psychiatric Consultation

    • Staff will arrange for psych consults as ordered.
  4. Lab Monitoring

    • Staff will check lab levels as needed.
  5. Diversional Activities

    • Staff will encourage participation in diversional activities.
  6. Behavior Monitoring

    • Staff will monitor for increased behavioral problems and notify MD/RNP as needed.
  7. Safe Environment

    • Staff will provide a safe environment.
  8. Non-Confrontational Approach

    • Staff will not argue with me when exhibiting behavior.
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