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Assisting the Resident to Move Up in Bed

Assisting the Resident to Move Up in Bed 


  • To reposition the resident for comfort. 

  • To prevent pressure areas. 

  • To improve circulation. 


  1. Preparation: 

  • Raise the bed to a comfortable working height. 

  • Lower the headrest. 

  • Stabilize the bed to ensure it does not move during the procedure. 

  1. Positioning Yourself: 

  • Stand next to the bed with your feet about 12 inches apart. The foot closer to the head of the bed should be pointed in that direction. 

  • Place one hand under the resident’s shoulder and one under the buttocks. 

  1. Resident Preparation: 

  • Ask the resident to bend their knees and brace their feet firmly against the mattress. 

  • If not using a trapeze, instruct the resident to place their hands about hip level with elbows bent. 

  1. Moving the Resident: 

  • On the signal "one, two, three," have the resident push toward the head of the bed with their hands and feet against the mattress. 

  • Simultaneously, slide the resident toward the head of the bed, keeping your back straight and knees bent. 

  • If the resident is unable to push with their feet, a second CNA should assist with the process. 

  1. Final Steps: 

  • Replace the pillow under the resident's head. 

  • Position the resident comfortably. 

  • Lower the bed to its lowest position. 

  • Place the call signal within reach of the resident. 

Compliance and Documentation: 

  • Adhere to CMS guidelines and Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • Document the repositioning procedure, including the resident’s response, in their medical record. 

  • Note any observations related to comfort, skin integrity, and circulation. 

  • Regularly review and update techniques for repositioning residents according to the latest clinical best practices and regulatory standards. 

  • Provide training to staff on proper techniques for moving residents up in bed to ensure safety and comfort. 

  • Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with this policy and address any gaps in practice or documentation. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). State Operations Manual (SOM), Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Nursing Homes. 

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