X1050: Reasons for Inactivation

Fri, 03/01/2024 - 15:36
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X1050: Reasons for Inactivation

X1050: Reasons for Inactivation

The items in this section indicate the possible reasons for the inactivation request. Check all that apply. These items should only be completed when A0050 = 3, indicating an inactivation request. If A0050 = 2, indicating a modification request, these items should be skipped.


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Coding Instructions for X1050A, Event Did Not Occur

Check the box if the record accepted into iQIES does not represent an event that actually occurred.

An example would be a Discharge assessment submitted for a resident, but there was no actual discharge. There was no event.

Coding Instructions for X1050Z, Other Reason Requiring Inactivation

Check the box if any errors in the record accepted into iQIES were caused by other types of errors not included in Item X1050A.

 Facility staff should describe the “other error” in the space provided with the item.






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