X0800: Correction Attestation Section

Fri, 03/01/2024 - 15:26
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X0800: Correction Attestation Section

X0800: Correction Attestation Section

The items in this section indicate the number of times a record accepted into iQIES has been corrected, the reason for the current modification/inactivation request, the person attesting to the modification/inactivation request, and the date of the attestation.

This item may be populated automatically by the nursing home’s data entry software; however, if it is not, the nursing home should enter this information.


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Coding Instructions for X0800, Correction Number

Enter the total number of correction requests to modify/inactivate the record in iQIES that is in error. Include the present modification/inactivation request in this number.

For the first correction request (modification/inactivation) for an MDS record, code a value of 01 (zero-one); for the second correction request, code a value of 02 (zero-two); etc. With each succeeding request, X0800 is incremented by one. For values between one and nine, a leading zero should be used in the first box. For example, enter “01” into the two boxes for X0800.

This item identifies the total number of correction requests following the original assessment or tracking record, including the present request. Note that Item X0800 is used to track successive correction requests in iQIE



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