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Urinary Catheter Irrigation

Urinary Catheter Irrigation Policy 


To ensure urinary catheter irrigations are performed safely and effectively using sterile techniques, as ordered by a physician. 


Urinary catheter irrigations will be done using sterile technique and only when ordered by the physician. 


I. Preparation: 

  • Verify the physician's order for the solution, amount, frequency, and reason for irrigation. 

  • Explain the procedure to the resident and provide privacy. 

  • Gather all necessary equipment and supplies. 

II. Equipment: 

  • Sterile irrigation set (syringe and tubing) 

  • Prescribed sterile irrigation solution 

  • Alcohol swabs 

  • Sterile gloves 

  • Sterile drape 

  • Sterile cap for catheter and tubing ends 

III. Procedure Steps: 

  1. Hand Hygiene: 

  • Wash hands thoroughly or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

  1. Establish Sterile Field: 

  • Set up a sterile field and open the irrigation set and other equipment as needed. 

  1. Apply Sterile Gloves: 

  • Put on sterile gloves to maintain sterility throughout the procedure. 

  1. Disconnect Drainage Tubing: 

  • Carefully disconnect the drainage tubing from the urinary catheter. 

  • Wipe the ends of the catheter and tubing with an alcohol swab. 

  • Cover the exposed ends with a sterile cap to maintain sterility. 

  1. Instill Sterile Solution: 

  • Using the sterile syringe, draw up the prescribed amount of sterile irrigation solution. 

  • Attach the syringe to the catheter and gently instill the solution as ordered. 

  1. Allow Solution to Flow Back: 

  • Reconnect the tubing to the catheter. 

  • Allow the solution to flow back by gravity into the drainage bag. 

  1. Complete Procedure: 

  • Remove and discard gloves in an appropriate waste container. 

  • Wash hands thoroughly or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 

IV. Documentation: 

  • Document the irrigation procedure in the treatment record, including the date, time, solution used, amount instilled, and any observations. 

  • Describe the color and consistency of returns in the Nurses Notes. 

  • Note any adverse reactions or complications and notify the physician if necessary. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • State Operations Manual (SOM), CMS. 

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