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Updated Care Plan for Potential Social Isolation and/or Activity Deficit

Updated Care Plan for Potential Social Isolation and/or Activity Deficit

Category / Primary Body System:

Psychosocial / Mental Health


Potential for social isolation and/or activity deficit related to limited social interaction and engagement.


  1. The resident will actively participate and socialize in 1:1 visits 2-3 times a week.
  2. The resident will attend one group activity 5 times a week.


  1. Approach and Introduction:

    • Step: Approach in a calm manner and introduce yourself.
    • Rationale: A calm and friendly approach helps build trust and rapport with the resident, making them feel comfortable and respected.
    • Actions: Greet the resident warmly, introduce yourself, and explain your role.
  2. Encouragement of Verbalization and Socialization:

    • Step: Encourage verbalization and socialization during 1:1 visits 2-3 times a week or as tolerated.
    • Rationale: Regular social interaction helps prevent feelings of isolation and promotes mental well-being.
    • Actions: Engage the resident in conversation, listen actively, and respond with empathy.
  3. Activity Calendar Review:

    • Step: Review the activity calendar of events for possible interests.
    • Rationale: Identifying activities that interest the resident increases the likelihood of their participation.
    • Actions: Discuss the activity calendar with the resident, highlighting events that match their interests.
  4. Infection Control Procedures:

    • Step: Follow infection control procedures in coordination with nursing.
    • Rationale: Ensuring proper infection control protects the resident's health, especially during group activities.
    • Actions: Adhere to all infection control protocols, including hand hygiene and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as necessary.
  5. Offering Entertainment and Refreshments:

    • Step: Offer music, magazines, word games, trivia sheets, and refreshments.
    • Rationale: Providing various forms of entertainment and refreshments can stimulate the resident’s interest and participation.
    • Actions: Present a selection of magazines, word games, trivia sheets, and music options. Offer refreshments that the resident enjoys.
  6. Involvement in Discussions:

    • Step: Involve the resident in discussions about the facility and current events.
    • Rationale: Keeping the resident informed and engaged with current events promotes a sense of inclusion and mental stimulation.
    • Actions: Initiate discussions about news, facility updates, and community happenings. Encourage the resident to share their opinions.
  7. Acknowledgment and Respect:

    • Step: Thank the resident and respect their right to refuse.
    • Rationale: Respecting the resident's choices and autonomy fosters a positive and trusting relationship.
    • Actions: Always thank the resident for their participation and respect their decision if they choose not to engage.
  8. Positive Reinforcement:

    • Step: Praise all efforts and accomplishments.
    • Rationale: Positive reinforcement boosts the resident’s self-esteem and motivation to participate in future activities.
    • Actions: Offer genuine praise for the resident’s efforts, regardless of the outcome.
  9. Group Activity Re-involvement:

    • Step: Re-involve the resident in all group activities when able.
    • Rationale: Regular involvement in group activities enhances social bonds and reduces feelings of isolation.
    • Actions: Encourage and support the resident's participation in group activities, providing assistance as needed.
  10. Family Involvement:

    • Step: Involve family whenever possible.
    • Rationale: Family involvement provides emotional support and encourages the resident to engage in activities.
    • Actions: Communicate with the resident’s family about activity opportunities and encourage their participation.
  11. Peer Introductions:

    • Step: Introduce the resident to peers with similar interests.
    • Rationale: Building friendships with peers who share similar interests can enhance the resident’s social network.
    • Actions: Facilitate introductions and encourage conversations between the resident and peers with similar hobbies or interests.
  12. Activity Invitations:

    • Step: Invite, encourage, and escort the resident to activities of known interest.
    • Rationale: Personalized invitations and assistance increase the likelihood of the resident attending and enjoying activities.
    • Actions: Personally invite the resident to activities, offer encouragement, and provide physical assistance or escorting if needed.
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