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Updated Care Plan for Dysphagia

Updated Care Plan for Dysphagia

Category / Primary Body System:

Digestive System / Swallowing Function


The patient is at risk of complications due to dysphagia.


The patient will not have episodes of aspiration or choking for 30 days.


  1. Speech Therapy Evaluation and Treatment:

    • Step: Arrange for speech therapy evaluation and treatment as needed.
    • Rationale: Speech therapists can provide specialized assessment and interventions to improve swallowing function and safety.
    • Actions: Schedule an initial evaluation with a speech therapist and follow up with recommended therapy sessions. Document the patient’s progress and any adjustments to the treatment plan.
  2. Encourage Participation in Speech Therapy:

    • Step: Encourage the patient to actively participate in speech therapy.
    • Rationale: Active participation in therapy can improve outcomes and enhance the patient’s swallowing abilities.
    • Actions: Motivate the patient to engage in therapy sessions, provide positive reinforcement, and address any concerns or barriers to participation.
  3. Patient and Family Education:

    • Step: Educate the patient and family regarding dysphagia and safety measures.
    • Rationale: Education ensures that the patient and family understand the condition, recognize signs of aspiration, and implement safety precautions.
    • Actions: Provide educational materials and one-on-one teaching sessions covering the nature of dysphagia, safe eating practices, and the importance of following dietary modifications. Encourage questions and provide clear, supportive answers.
  4. Supervised/Assisted Meals:

    • Step: Supervise and/or assist the patient during meals.
    • Rationale: Supervision helps prevent aspiration and choking by ensuring the patient follows safe swallowing techniques.
    • Actions: Be present during meals to observe the patient’s eating habits, provide assistance as needed, and ensure adherence to recommended techniques and dietary modifications.
  5. Proper Positioning During Meals:

    • Step: Ensure the patient is out of bed or the head of the bed is elevated for all meals.
    • Rationale: Proper positioning reduces the risk of aspiration and facilitates safer swallowing.
    • Actions: Assist the patient in sitting upright at a table or elevate the head of the bed to at least 45 degrees during meals. Maintain this position for at least 30 minutes post-meal.
  6. Mechanically Altered Diet:

    • Step: Provide a mechanically altered diet as appropriate.
    • Rationale: Modifying the texture of foods can make swallowing safer and easier for patients with dysphagia.
    • Actions: Work with a dietitian to determine the appropriate diet texture (e.g., pureed, minced, or soft foods). Ensure all meals and snacks meet these dietary specifications and monitor the patient’s tolerance and response.
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