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Understanding Different Types of Dementia




  • A for Alzheimer's disease: Think "A" for "Amnesia" as it primarily presents with memory loss, especially in the early stages.

  • F for Frontotemporal dementia: Think "F" for "Front" (front of the brain) affecting personality and "T" for "Temporal" affecting language. This dementia often starts with changes in behavior, personality, or language, rather than memory loss.

  • L for Lewy body dementia: Think "L" for "Leaping" into different symptoms - fluctuating cognition, visual hallucinations, and Parkinsonian features (like "L" for "Leaning" in shuffling gait).

  • V for Vascular dementia: Think "V" for "Vessels" (as in blood vessels) indicating a vascular origin, often with a stepwise progression in cognitive decline.

Remembering "A FLoV," you can recall each type by its most distinctive features: Amnesia for Alzheimer's, Frontal/Temporal for Frontotemporal, Leaping symptoms for Lewy body, and Vessels for Vascular

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