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Sample Care Area Assessment (CAA) for Fall Prevention

Resident Information:

  • Name: Michael Thompson
  • ID: 823456
  • Date of Assessment: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Room Number: 207

Assessment Team:

  • Primary Nurse: Janet Smith
  • MDS Coordinator: Brian Foster
  • Physical Therapist (PT): Lucy Williams
  • Occupational Therapist (OT): Mark Johnson
  • Pharmacist: Dr. Emily Green

Care Area Assessed:               

  • Specify the care area: Falls

Step 1: Triggered Care Areas

  • Triggered by Michael's balance problems, necessitating human assistance for transitions and surface transfers. His prescription for antidepressant medications may contribute to mobility issues. Despite a history of falls, no incidents have been recorded during the current assessment period.

Step 2: Review of MDS 3.0 Findings

  • Michael was admitted with a known history of falls. Current assessment notes stability with human assistance but identifies him as high-risk for future falls.

Step 3: Detailed Assessment

  • Clinical findings: Balance and mobility limitations impacting daily activities, such as moving from seated to standing positions and transferring across surfaces.
  • Review of medical records: Documentation of antidepressant medication regimen, previous fall incidents, and ongoing PT/OT services.
  • Consultations with interdisciplinary team members: Highlight the importance of a tailored therapy program, medication review for potential side effects affecting balance, and environmental adaptations to reduce fall risks.
  • Resident and family interviews: Express concerns over fall risks and desire for increased independence in mobility and ADLs.

Step 4: Problem Identification

  • Identified risks include potential for fall-related injuries due to balance and mobility issues, compounded by the effects of antidepressant medications.

Step 5: Care Planning

  • Goal: To minimize fall risks and enhance Michael's mobility and independence through targeted therapy, medication management, and environmental safety measures.
  • Interventions:
    • Continue and reassess PT/OT programs focusing on balance, strength, and mobility training tailored to Michael's specific needs.
    • Conduct a comprehensive medication review with the pharmacist to identify and adjust medications that may impact balance.
    • Implement environmental modifications, such as grab bars and non-slip surfaces, in Michael's living area and bathroom.
    • Educate nursing staff on personalized support strategies during ADLs to ensure Michael's safety and encourage mobility independence.
    • Engage Michael and his family in the care planning process, incorporating their feedback and preferences to support his emotional well-being and motivation.
  • Responsible Staff: PT, OT, Pharmacist, Nursing Staff
  • Timelines: Immediate implementation with ongoing monitoring and adjustments based on effectiveness and Michael's feedback.

Step 6: Interdisciplinary Team Review

  • The team supports the comprehensive care plan, emphasizing collaboration across disciplines to address Michael's fall risks and mobility challenges holistically.

Step 7: Resident and Family Engagement

  • Engaging Michael and his family in the care planning process ensures interventions are tailored to his needs and preferences, fostering a sense of involvement and control over his care.

Step 8: Monitoring and Reassessment

  • Short-Term: Daily monitoring of therapy progress and medication effects, with adjustments as needed.
  • Long-Term: Monthly evaluations of the overall care strategy's impact on fall risk, mobility, and independence, with adjustments based on progress and resident feedback.

Documentation and Signatures:

  • Signature of MDS Coordinator: Brian Foster, Date: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Signature of Primary Nurse: Janet Smith, Date: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Signatures of other interdisciplinary team members involved.

IDT Meeting Follow-Up:

Scheduled Date: YYYY-MM-DD to review Michael's progress, discuss any challenges in fall prevention strategies, and refine the care plan to continue supporting his safety and mobility needs effectively.

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