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Private Duty Personnel Policy

Private Duty Personnel Policy

Effective Date: [Original NPP Date]
Revised Date: [Current Date]


Private duty Licensed Nurses and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are permitted to provide resident care at this facility at the request of the resident and/or responsible party. Private duty companions who are not licensed or certified may not provide resident care that is normally provided by only licensed or certified persons.


Obtaining Private Duty Personnel:

  • It is the sole responsibility of the family to obtain any and all private duty nurses or CNAs.
  • All private duty Licensed Nurses must have a current license in the state and will be required to show their license to the Director of Nursing (DON) and/or shift supervisor. The license will be verified with the Licensure Board.
  • All private duty CNAs must have a current registration and will be required to show their registration to the DON and/or shift supervisor. The registration will be verified with ASI.

Orientation and Training:

  • All private duty personnel will be in-serviced by the Director of Staff Development or shift Supervisor on Fire, Safety, and the specific needs of the resident.
  • Additional orientation will be based on the skill and experience of the private duty personnel.

Responsibilities and Conduct:

  • Private duty personnel must abide by all policies and procedures of the facility.
  • If the private duty Nurse or CNA is unable to care for the resident or cannot report on duty that day, they must inform the facility DON or Shift Supervisor.
  • The private duty Nurse or CNA is responsible for informing the family of their absence, and it is the family's decision whether to arrange for another private duty Nurse/CNA or have the resident cared for by the facility.
  • The facility will not become involved in any payment agreements between the family and the private duty nurse or CNA.

Operational Procedures:

  1. Sign In/Out: Private duty personnel must sign in and out in the book provided for them in the supervisor’s office.
  2. Shift Reporting: Report to the nurse in charge of their shift.
  3. Medication Keys: Private duty personnel are not permitted to be in possession of the medication keys, including the narcotic key.
  4. Resident Condition: Keep the Charge Nurse informed of the resident’s condition at all times.
  5. Accountability: Be responsible to the Charge Nurse for total resident care.


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. State Operations Manual, Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current CMS SOM]
  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current guidelines]





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