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Pain Assessment

Pain Assessment 


Resident Name:  _____________________________________________                  Date:  ______________________________ 


Primary pain site:  ___________________________________________________________  Date of pain onset  _____/_____/_____ 

                                            (Indicate on body illustration as Site A) 


Brief pain history (resident’s viewpoint or observation)  _______________________________________________________________ 


Location/origin of pain  ________________________________________________________________________________________ 


Pain relief methods tried (check all that apply):     o Medication   o Deep Relaxation   o Heat    o Cold    o Massage 

o Meditation    o Music    o Visual Imagery    Other (specify)  _________________________________________________________ 


Pain is relieved by (describe)  ___________________________________________________________________________________ 


Pain is worsened by (describe circumstances or activities)  ____________________________________________________________ 




Times when pain is worse: o Early Morning (pre dawn)    o Morning     o Afternoon     o Evening     o Night 


Activities pain prevents residents from doing  ______________________________________________________________________ 


Associated symptoms (if any)  __________________________________________________________________________________ 


Comments  _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 





Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.            On a Scale of 0 – 10, please rate the resident’s pain: 


         0                  1-3                4-6               7-10 

     No Pain     Mild Pain  Moderate Pain  Severe Pain                                    _____________________ 




Breathing Independent of Vocalization 


Occasional labored breathing, short period of hyperventilation. 

Noisy labored breathing, long period of hyperventilation. 


Negative Vocalization 



Occasional moan or groan, low level speech with a negative disapproving quality. 

Repeated troubled calling out, loud moaning or groaning, crying. 


Facial Expression 


Smiling or inexpressive 

Sad, frightened, frown 

Facial grimacing. 


Body Language 



Tense, distressed, pacing, fidgeting. 

Rigid, fists clenched, knees pulled up, pulling or pushing away, striking out. 




No need to console 

Distracted or reassured by voice or touch 

Unable to console, distract or reassure. 



Total Score 



Score Each Item Individually and Add for Total Score (0-10) 



Nurses Signature:  _________________________________________________ 



  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. State Operations Manual, Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current CMS SOM] 

  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current guidelines] 

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