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Mon, 11/13/2023 - 02:49
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when the resident has been in this facility previously and was discharged return anticipated and did not return within 30 days of discharge (see Discharge assessment below).


Assessment Combination refers to the use of one assessment to satisfy both OBRA and PPS assessment requirements when the time frames coincide for both required assessments. In such cases, the most stringent requirement of the two assessments for MDS completion must be met. Therefore, it is imperative that nursing home staff fully understand the requirements for both types of assessments in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and to remain in compliance with both OBRA and PPS requirements. Sections 2.10 and 2.11 provide more detailed information on combining PPS and OBRA assessments. In addition, when all requirements for both are met, one assessment may satisfy two OBRA assessment requirements, such as Admission and OBRA Discharge assessment.


Assessment Completion refers to the date that all information needed has been collected and recorded for a particular assessment type and staff have signed and dated that the assessment is complete.


For OBRA-required Comprehensive assessments, assessment completion is defined as completion of the CAA process in addition to the MDS items, meaning that the RN assessment coordinator has signed and dated both the MDS (item Z0500) and CAA(s) (item V0200B) completion attestations. Since a Comprehensive assessment includes completion of both the MDS and the CAA process, the assessment timing requirements for a comprehensive assessment apply to both the completion of the MDS and the CAA process.

For non-comprehensive and Discharge assessments, assessment completion is defined as completion of the MDS only, meaning that the RN assessment coordinator has signed and dated the MDS (item Z0500) completion attestation.


Completion requirements are dependent on the assessment type and timing requirements. Completion specifics by assessment type are discussed in Section 2.6 for OBRA assessments and Section 2.9 for PPS assessments.


Assessment Reference Date (ARD) refers to the specific endpoint for the observation (or “look-back”) periods in the MDS assessment process. The facility is required to set the ARD on the MDS Item Set or in the facility software within the required time frame of the assessment type being completed. This concept of setting the ARD is used for all assessment types (OBRA and PPS) and varies by assessment type and facility determination. Most of the MDS 3.0 items have a 7-day look-back period. If a resident has an ARD of July 1, 2011, then all pertinent information starting at 12:00 a.m. on June 25th and ending on July 1st at 11:59 p.m. should be included for MDS 3.0 coding.


Assessment Scheduling refers to the period of time during which assessments take place, setting the ARD, timing, completion, submission, and the observation periods required to complete the MDS items.

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