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Care Plan for Pacemaker Management

Category / Primary Body System

  • Cardiovascular System


  • Patient is at risk for complications due to pacemaker use.


  • Patient’s pacemaker will function properly for 90 days.


  1. Pacemaker Type Identification

    • Document the type of pacemaker to ensure appropriate care and monitoring.
  2. Regular Pacemaker Checks

    • Perform pacemaker checks as ordered to ensure proper functioning.
  3. Vital Signs Monitoring

    • Check vital signs regularly and notify MD/RNP if there are any significant changes.
  4. Chest Pain Monitoring

    • Monitor for chest pain and notify MD/RNP if any occurs.
  5. Medication Management

    • Administer medications as ordered to support cardiovascular health and manage any related conditions.
  6. Laboratory Monitoring

    • Monitor labs as ordered to track electrolytes, renal function, and other relevant parameters.


  1. Pacemaker Type Identification

    • Knowing the type of pacemaker is essential for appropriate care and troubleshooting any issues.
  2. Regular Pacemaker Checks

    • Regular checks ensure the pacemaker is functioning correctly and can detect issues early.
  3. Vital Signs Monitoring

    • Monitoring vital signs helps in early detection of complications and ensures timely intervention.
  4. Chest Pain Monitoring

    • Chest pain can indicate pacemaker issues or other cardiac events that need immediate attention.
  5. Medication Management

    • Proper medication management helps in maintaining cardiovascular health and preventing complications.
  6. Laboratory Monitoring

    • Lab tests help monitor the patient’s overall health and detect any issues that might affect pacemaker function.


  1. Pacemaker Type Identification

    • Document and review the type of pacemaker the patient has.
  2. Regular Pacemaker Checks

    • Schedule and perform pacemaker checks as per medical orders and document the findings.
  3. Vital Signs Monitoring

    • Check and document vital signs regularly, including heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. Notify MD/RNP if there are significant changes.
  4. Chest Pain Monitoring

    • Ask the patient about chest pain at each visit and monitor for signs of distress. Notify MD/RNP if chest pain is reported.
  5. Medication Management

    • Administer medications as prescribed and monitor for side effects and effectiveness. Adjust as needed with MD/RNP guidance.
  6. Laboratory Monitoring

    • Draw and review labs as ordered, including electrolytes and renal function tests. Report abnormal findings to MD/RNP.
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