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Nursing Agency Personnel Policy

Nursing Agency Personnel Policy

Effective Date: [Original NPP Date]
Revised Date: [Current Date]


To utilize nursing agency personnel only when facility staff are not available and to assure continuity of resident care when nursing agency staff must be utilized.


Nursing agency licensed nurses and certified nursing assistants may be utilized at this facility when staffing levels, as determined by the facility, cannot be maintained.

The facility has developed a specific orientation for all agency personnel which must be completed prior to the individual first working in the facility. The Director of Staff Development or Shift Supervisor is responsible for assuring the orientation is completed.

An agency licensed nurse may function as a Charge Nurse or as a supervisor, depending on the agency’s administrative staff confirming the nurse’s capability for the position to be filled.


I. Orientation of Agency Personnel:

  1. All agency personnel must complete a specific orientation before their first shift.
  2. The Director of Staff Development or Shift Supervisor is responsible for ensuring the completion of this orientation.

II. Duties of Agency Licensed Nurses:

  1. The agency licensed nurse taking charge of a unit will:

    • Report to the shift supervisor.
    • Keep the shift supervisor informed of residents' conditions at all times.
    • Wear a white, appropriate uniform.
    • Meet the requirements according to the job description for a Charge Nurse.
    • Abide by all policies and procedures of the facility.
    • Receive further orientation based on individual needs upon request.
  2. Agency licensed nurses may be utilized as shift supervisors and will:

    • Receive orientation tailored to their needs.
    • Be expected to function independently according to the job description for shift supervisor.
    • Have a complete orientation to all emergency equipment in the facility.
    • Ensure a facility supervisor is on call in the event of an emergency.

III. Duties of Agency Certified Nursing Assistants:

  1. The Unit Charge Nurse will provide a thorough explanation of assignments, including all care needs for residents.

IV. Reporting and Communication:

  1. The agency licensed nurse, functioning as a Charge Nurse or supervisor, will:

    • Keep the shift supervisor informed of residents' conditions at all times.
    • Report any changes or concerns promptly.
  2. The agency certified nursing assistant will:

    • Report to the Unit Charge Nurse.
    • Follow all care instructions provided.


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. State Operations Manual, Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current CMS SOM]
  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current guidelines]







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