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MDS Essentials: Tracking /Discharge MDS: Reentry

The Reentry Tracking form within the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 framework is specifically designed to document the return of a resident to a nursing facility after a temporary absence, such as a hospital stay or leave of absence. This form is a critical component of the MDS process, ensuring that resident movements in and out of the facility are accurately recorded and that care planning is promptly updated to reflect the resident's current needs upon their return. Here’s an overview focusing on the purpose, components, and significance of the Reentry Tracking form.

Purpose of the Reentry Tracking Form:

  • Documentation of Return: Records the event of a resident's reentry into the facility after a temporary absence, ensuring that their reentry is formally noted in the resident's record.
  • Care Planning Continuity: Facilitates the immediate review and, if necessary, the update of the resident's care plan based on their condition and needs at the time of reentry.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Meets federal requirements for tracking resident reentries, which is essential for maintaining accurate resident records and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.

Components of the Reentry Tracking Form:

The Reentry Tracking form includes essential information such as:

  1. Resident Identification: Basic demographic details to identify the resident accurately.
  2. Reentry Information: Specifics about the reentry, including the date and reason for the resident's temporary absence (e.g., hospitalization, therapeutic leave).
  3. Initial Observations: Brief assessment of the resident's status upon reentry, noting any significant changes in health status or care needs that occurred during their absence.
  4. Documentation Requirements: Fields to document the completion of the reentry tracking process and any immediate actions taken or required to update the resident's care plan.

Implementation and Timing:

  • Upon Reentry: The Reentry Tracking form should be completed as promptly as possible after a resident's return to capture relevant details and facilitate a smooth transition back into the facility’s care environment.
  • Preceding Comprehensive or Quarterly Assessments: While this form provides initial information upon reentry, it may precede more detailed assessments that will further evaluate the resident’s needs and update the care plan accordingly.

Integration with MDS Assessments:

  • Informing Care Planning: Information gathered through the Reentry Tracking form can be used to inform the immediate review of the resident's care plan, ensuring that care strategies are aligned with the resident's current status and needs.
  • Basis for Comprehensive Assessment: For residents who return after a significant change in status, the reentry information may trigger the need for a Significant Change in Status Assessment (SCSA) or influence the content of the next scheduled Quarterly or Annual MDS Assessment.


  • Continuity of Care: By documenting reentries accurately, the facility ensures that care is continuous and responsive to the resident’s evolving needs, particularly after events that might affect their health status.
  • Quality Improvement: Tracking reentries contributes to the facility's quality improvement efforts by identifying patterns related to hospitalizations or other temporary absences, informing strategies to reduce potentially avoidable events.
  • Regulatory and Reimbursement Implications: Accurate reentry tracking supports compliance with regulatory standards and can impact reimbursement processes by ensuring that resident data accurately reflects their care needs and facility utilization.

In summary, the Reentry Tracking form is a vital tool within the MDS 3.0 framework, ensuring that nursing facilities maintain an accurate record of resident movements and promptly adjust care plans to meet the needs of residents returning from temporary absences. This form supports high-quality, person-centered care by facilitating timely documentation and response to changes in resident status.

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