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K0200: Height and Weight

K0200: Height and Weight
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Item Rationale

Health-related Quality of Life

Diminished nutritional and hydration status can lead to debility that can adversely affect health and safety as well as quality of life.

Planning for Care

Height and weight measurements assist staff with assessing the resident’s nutrition and hydration status by providing a mechanism for monitoring stability of weight over a period of time. The measurement of weight is one guide for determining nutritional status.

Steps for Assessment for K0200A, Height

Base height on the most recent height since the most recent admission/entry or reentry. Measure and record height in inches.

Measure height consistently over time in accordance with the facility policy and procedure, which should reflect current standards of practice (shoes off, etc.).

For subsequent assessments, check the medical record. If the last height recorded was more than one year ago, measure and record the resident’s height again.

Coding Instructions for K0200A, Height

Record height to the nearest whole inch.

Use mathematical rounding (i.e., if height measurement is X.5 inches or greater, round height upward to the nearest whole inch. If height measurement number is X.1 to X.4 inches, round down to the nearest whole inch). For example, a height of 62.5 inches would be rounded to 63 inches and a height of 62.4 inches would be rounded to 62 inches.

Steps for Assessment for K0200B, Weight

Base weight on the most recent measure in the last 30 days.

Measure weight consistently over time in accordance with facility policy and procedure, which should reflect current standards of practice (shoes off, etc.).

For subsequent assessments, check the medical record and enter the weight taken within 30 days of the ARD of this assessment.

If the last recorded weight was taken more than 30 days prior to the ARD of this assessment or previous weight is not available, weigh the resident again.

If the resident’s weight was taken more than once during the preceding month, record the most recent weight.

Coding Instructions for K0200B, Weight

Use mathematical rounding (i.e., If weight is X.5 pounds [lbs] or more, round weight upward to the nearest whole pound. If weight is X.1 to X.4 lbs, round down to the nearest whole pound). For example, a weight of 152.5 lbs would be rounded to 153 lbs and a weight of 152.4 lbs would be rounded to 152 lbs.



If a resident cannot be weighed, for example because of extreme pain, immobility, or risk of pathological fractures, use the standard no-information code (-) and document rationale on the resident’s medical record.



@Norah Ngaku Check out the heading here as well [RI1]

corrected [NN2]

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