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Systematic Review Process: Steps and Procedures in Research Synthesis

Systematic Review Process:

Initial Steps:

  • Establish clear objectives and inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Main Steps:

  1. Literature Search:

    • Conduct a comprehensive search across multiple databases.
    • Include gray literature, unpublished studies, and diverse sources.
  2. Critical Appraisal and Synthesis:

    • Critically appraise and synthesize evidence using explicit methodologies.
  3. Data Extraction and Synthesis:

    • Extract relevant data, assess quality, and synthesize findings.

Result Reporting:

  • Typically includes a summary statistic derived from combined study results.

Objective Setting:

  • Clear articulation of research objectives and hypotheses.

Literature Search:

  • Comprehensive search strategy across multiple databases.

Data Extraction and Synthesis:

  • Extraction of relevant data, quality assessment, and findings synthesis.

Reporting Findings:

  • Presentation of synthesized results, addressing study limitations and implications for practice or future research.

This structured flow outlines the sequential steps involved in conducting a systematic review, from initial objectives and literature search to data extraction, synthesis, and reporting of findings.