Seizure Disorder

Wed, 07/17/2024 - 09:12
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Seizure Disorder

Care Plan for Seizure Disorder Management

Category / Primary Body System

  • Neurological System


  • Patient is at risk for complications due to Seizure Disorder.


  • Patient will be free from any seizure-related injury for 90 days.


  1. Environmental Safety

    • Maintain a safe environment to minimize injury risk during a seizure.
  2. Padded Siderails

    • Use padded siderails on the bed as needed to prevent injury.
  3. Medication Management

    • Administer seizure medications as ordered and ensure timely administration.
  4. Laboratory Monitoring

    • Monitor labs as ordered to track medication levels and organ function.
  5. Side Effect Monitoring

    • Monitor for side effects of medications and report any adverse reactions.


  1. Environmental Safety

    • Maintaining a safe environment helps to prevent injuries during a seizure.
  2. Padded Siderails

    • Padded siderails help to protect the patient from injury during a seizure.
  3. Medication Management

    • Timely administration of medications helps to control seizures and prevent complications.
  4. Laboratory Monitoring

    • Regular lab monitoring ensures that medication levels are therapeutic and not causing harm to organs.
  5. Side Effect Monitoring

    • Monitoring for side effects helps to manage and mitigate any adverse reactions to seizure medications.


  1. Environmental Safety

    • Keep the patient's environment free of hazards such as sharp objects, clutter, and obstacles.
  2. Padded Siderails

    • Install and maintain padded siderails on the patient’s bed, ensuring they are in place when the patient is in bed.
  3. Medication Management

    • Administer seizure medications strictly as ordered by the physician. Record administration times and any missed doses.
  4. Laboratory Monitoring

    • Draw and review labs as ordered, including serum drug levels, liver and kidney function tests, and electrolytes.
  5. Side Effect Monitoring

    • Observe and document any side effects from medications, such as drowsiness, dizziness, gastrointestinal upset, or changes in behavior. Notify the physician of any significant side effects.
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