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Comprehensive Overview of Research Methodologies

  1. Quantitative Research:

    • Focus: Centers on numerical data and statistical analysis.
      • Examples: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), Surveys with Likert scales.
    • Data Collection Methods:
      • Involves structured scales, experiments, and numerical measurements in surveys.
    • Analysis Techniques:
      • Utilizes statistical tests, regression analysis, and quantitative measures (mean, standard deviation).
  2. Qualitative Research:

    • Focus: Emphasizes non-numerical data, exploring experiences, meanings, and themes.
      • Examples: Interviews, Focus Groups, Thematic Analysis.
    • Data Collection Methods:
      • Relies on interviews, observations, open-ended surveys, and focus groups.
    • Analysis Techniques:
      • Involves thematic analysis, content analysis, and narrative interpretation.
  3. Mixed-Methods Research:

    • Focus: Integration of qualitative and quantitative methods for comprehensive insights.
      • Examples: Surveys with Open-ended Questions alongside Statistical Analysis.
    • Integration of Methods:
      • Sequential or concurrent use of qualitative and quantitative approaches.
    • Purpose:
      • Aims to provide a broader understanding by triangulating data from diverse sources.

By following this structured flow, one can progressively understand the distinct characteristics, methodologies, and applications of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research in a systematic manner.