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Category / Primary Body System

  • Neurological / Speech and Language


  • Patient has alteration in communication.


  • Patient will continue to communicate basic needs when cued for the next 90 days.


  1. Simplified Communication

    • Use simple phrases and words when communicating with the patient to enhance understanding.
  2. Interpreters and Assistance

    • Utilize an interpreter as needed to facilitate communication for patients with language barriers.
  3. Time and Patience

    • Allow the patient ample time to express themselves, ensuring they do not feel rushed.
  4. Family Involvement

    • Encourage family participation in the patient’s care to provide additional support and familiarity in communication.
  5. Speech Therapy

    • Arrange for a speech therapy consult as needed to address and improve communication difficulties.
  6. Non-Verbal Communication

    • Use non-verbal forms of communication (e.g., gestures, pictures, communication boards) as appropriate to aid understanding.
  7. Medication Management

    • Administer medications as ordered to manage any underlying conditions that may affect communication.


  1. Simplified Communication

    • Using simple language reduces confusion and improves the patient’s ability to understand and respond.
  2. Interpreters and Assistance

    • Interpreters help bridge language gaps, ensuring accurate communication.
  3. Time and Patience

    • Allowing time for the patient to express themselves reduces anxiety and frustration, promoting effective communication.
  4. Family Involvement

    • Family involvement provides emotional support and helps the patient feel more comfortable, which can enhance communication.
  5. Speech Therapy

    • Speech therapy provides specialized techniques and exercises to improve communication skills.
  6. Non-Verbal Communication

    • Non-verbal communication aids can significantly improve understanding and expression for patients with speech difficulties.
  7. Medication Management

    • Proper medication management can address underlying health issues that may impact communication abilities.


  1. Simplified Communication

    • Communicate with the patient using simple phrases and words, checking for understanding.
  2. Interpreters and Assistance

    • Arrange for interpreter services when needed to facilitate communication.
  3. Time and Patience

    • Give the patient ample time to express themselves, actively listening without interruption.
  4. Family Involvement

    • Involve family members in the patient’s care and communication, ensuring they are informed and can assist.
  5. Speech Therapy

    • Schedule and follow through with speech therapy consultations and sessions as recommended.
  6. Non-Verbal Communication

    • Implement non-verbal communication tools such as gestures, pictures, and communication boards, and train staff on their use.
  7. Medication Management

    • Administer medications as ordered, monitoring for side effects and effectiveness. Document medication administration and any observed effects.
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