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Hemodialysis Orders

Hemodialysis Orders 


To provide clear and standardized orders for residents requiring hemodialysis, ensuring proper documentation and adherence to treatment protocols. 


Hemodialysis Orders (To be placed on physician order forms/ECS) 

Resident Information: 

  • Resident Name: __________________________________________ 

  • Age: ______________ 

  • Date: ______________ 

Hemodialysis Facility: 

  • Send resident to hemodialysis at (location): __________________________________________ 


  • On the following days: ___________________________________________________________ 

Hemodialysis Access Device/Location: 

  • Venous Catheter: 

  • Location: 

  • o Right Chest Wall 

  • o Left Chest Wall 

  • o Other: ____________ 

  • AV Fistula: 

  • Location: 

  • o Right Arm 

  • o Left Arm 

Special Instructions: 

  • No BP or venipuncture on the access arm. 

Fluid Restriction: 

  • ______________ cc/24 hours. Allocation of fluids as follows: 

  • Nursing: ______________ per 24 hours or ______________ cc 7-3, ______________ cc 3-11, ______________ cc 11-7 

  • Dietary: ______________ per 24 hours 


  • o QD 

  • o Q Week 

  • o Q O Week 

  • o Q Month 

Physician Authorization: 


  • MD Signature 


  • Date 



  • Transcribed By 


  • Date 

Compliance and Documentation: 

  • Adhere to CMS guidelines and Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • Document the orders, including the resident’s response and any observations, in their medical record. 

  • Note any abnormalities or difficulties encountered during the procedure. 

  • Regularly review and update techniques for documenting hemodialysis orders according to the latest clinical best practices and regulatory standards. 

  • Provide training to staff on proper documentation procedures to ensure resident safety and treatment accuracy. 

  • Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with this policy and address any gaps in practice or documentation. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). State Operations Manual (SOM), Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Nursing Homes. 

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