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Hemodialysis Communication Record

Hemodialysis Communication Record 


To ensure effective communication and documentation between the skilled nursing facility and the hemodialysis facility for residents receiving hemodialysis treatment. 


  1. Record Details: 

  • Resident Information: 

  • Resident Name: __________________________________________ 

  • Age: ______________ 

  • Date: ______________ 

  • Athena Health Care Facility: 

  • Facility Name: __________________________________________ 

  • Unit: ______________ 

  • Phone #: ______________ 

  • Hemodialysis Facility: 

  • Name: __________________________________________ 

  • Date of Last Treatment: ______________ 

  1. Vital Signs Pre-Treatment: 

  • BP: ______________ 

  • Temp: ______________ 

  • Pulse: ______________ 

  • Resp: ______________ 

  1. Communication from the Skilled Nursing Facility: 

  • Document any changes in the resident’s condition since the last hemodialysis treatment, including: 

  • Changes in weight 

  • Medications 

  • Behavior 

  • Appetite 

  • Falls 

  • Charge Nurse Signature: __________________________________________ 

  1. Communication from the Hemodialysis Facility: 

  • Vital Signs Post-Treatment: 

  • BP: ______________ 

  • Temp: ______________ 

  • Pulse: ______________ 

  • Resp: ______________ 

  • Pre-Tx Weight: ______________ 

  • Post-Tx Weight: ______________ 

  • Lab Work Done: 


  • Access Condition: 


  • Communication/Recommendations: 


  1. Compliance and Documentation: 

  • Adhere to CMS guidelines and Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • Ensure the Hemodialysis Communication Record is complete and accurate, documenting all necessary information for each treatment. 

  • Regularly review and update communication protocols between the skilled nursing facility and the hemodialysis facility according to the latest clinical best practices and regulatory standards. 

  • Provide training to staff on proper documentation and communication procedures to ensure resident safety and continuity of care. 

  • Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with this policy and address any gaps in practice or documentation. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). State Operations Manual (SOM), Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Nursing Homes. 

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