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Hemodialysis Care Plan Update

Category / Primary Body System: Renal / Hemodialysis


The patient is at risk for complications associated with hemodialysis treatments.


Ensure the patient's dialysis access line remains patent and free from complications for 90 days.


  1. Medication Administration: Follow the nephrologist's orders for medications to manage blood pressure, prevent clotting, and address any other hemodialysis-related conditions.

  2. Transportation Coordination: Arrange reliable transportation to ensure the patient attends all scheduled dialysis sessions without fail.

  3. Laboratory Testing: Conduct regular blood tests as prescribed to monitor electrolyte balance, kidney function, and hemodialysis efficacy. Focus on potassium, calcium, phosphorus levels, and complete blood count.

  4. Dietary Management: Implement a kidney-friendly diet as advised by the dietitian, limiting foods high in potassium, phosphorus, and sodium, while managing fluid intake.

  5. Regular Weight Monitoring: Weigh the patient before and after each dialysis session to monitor fluid removal and adjust dialysis settings as necessary.

  6. Access Line Care: Examine the dialysis access for signs of infection, patency (through bruit and thrill), and integrity every shift, and immediately report any issues.

  7. Fluid Overload Monitoring: Watch for signs of fluid overload, such as edema, hypertension, and shortness of breath. Adjust dialysis parameters and report to the nephrologist as needed.

  8. Dialysis Team Communication: Maintain open and regular communication with the dialysis center to share information on the patient's condition, treatment adjustments, and any complications.

  9. Education on Access Care: Educate the patient and family on proper care of the dialysis access site, signs of infection, and when to seek medical attention.


Medication management is critical for addressing hemodialysis-related conditions and maintaining the patient's health. Consistent attendance at dialysis sessions is vital for effective treatment. Regular lab tests guide treatment adjustments and monitor for complications. A kidney-friendly diet helps manage the biochemical imbalances of kidney failure. Weight monitoring is essential for managing fluid status. Dialysis access care prevents infections and ensures treatment efficacy. Monitoring for fluid overload prevents cardiovascular complications. Effective communication with the dialysis team ensures coordinated care. Education on access care empowers the patient to participate in their care and recognize early signs of complications.


  • Develop a medication administration record specific to hemodialysis patients.
  • Coordinate with local transportation services to ensure reliable transport for dialysis appointments.
  • Schedule routine lab tests with the lab services and document results for review by the nephrologist.
  • Consult with a dietitian to provide patient-specific dietary guidelines and counseling.
  • Implement a protocol for pre- and post-dialysis weight checks to be documented in the patient's chart.
  • Train nursing staff in the assessment of dialysis access and the identification of complications.
  • Utilize a fluid management plan to adjust for signs of fluid overload, with guidelines for when to notify the nephrologist.
  • Establish a direct line of communication with the dialysis center for timely updates on the patient's status and treatment needs.
  • Provide educational materials and sessions for patients and families on the importance of access site care and complication prevention.




DALL·E Prompt:

Create an educational illustration depicting the key components of care for a hemodialysis patient, including medication management, transportation coordination, dietary restrictions, access line care, and the importance of fluid management. Highlight the collaboration between healthcare providers and dialysis centers to ensure patient safety and treatment efficacy.






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