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Fracture Care Plan

Category / Primary Body System: Musculoskeletal / Safety


Increased risk of falls due to age-related musculoskeletal weakening and balance impairments.


To minimize the risk of falls and associated injuries within the next 90 days.


  1. Environmental Modifications: Remove tripping hazards, install grab bars in key areas, and ensure adequate lighting throughout the living space.
  2. Physical Therapy Assessment: Conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify specific balance or strength deficits and develop a tailored exercise program.
  3. Assistive Devices: Evaluate the need for and provide appropriate assistive devices, such as walkers or canes, to enhance mobility and stability.
  4. Education on Fall Prevention: Offer education sessions for the patient and caregivers focusing on safe mobility practices and how to modify the home environment.
  5. Regular Medication Review: Schedule frequent medication reviews to identify any drugs that may contribute to dizziness or balance issues.
  6. Vitamin D Supplementation: Consider Vitamin D supplementation to improve musculoskeletal health, pending a healthcare provider's approval.


Environmental modifications directly address common physical hazards in the home. A physical therapy assessment identifies individual risk factors that can be mitigated through targeted exercises. Assistive devices provide additional support and stability. Education empowers the patient and caregivers with knowledge on preventing falls. Medication reviews help to minimize the side effects that contribute to fall risk. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in musculoskeletal health, potentially reducing fall risk by improving bone density and muscle function.


  • Conduct a home safety assessment and recommend necessary modifications.
  • Schedule a physical therapy evaluation within the next two weeks.
  • Arrange for a consultation with a durable medical equipment provider for assistive device fitting.
  • Develop and distribute educational materials on fall prevention strategies.
  • Coordinate with the patient's healthcare provider for a medication review and discuss Vitamin D supplementation.




DALL·E Prompt:

Create an informative illustration that depicts a holistic fall prevention program for the elderly. Include visual cues for environmental safety modifications, a physical therapy session focusing on balance exercises, the use of assistive devices for mobility, educational materials on fall prevention, and a medication review with a healthcare provider. Highlight the importance of Vitamin D for musculoskeletal health.

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