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Fluid Restriction

Fluid Restriction 

Effective Date: [Original NPP Date] 
Revised Date: [Current Date] 


Facility staff will assist the resident in restricting their fluid intake as ordered by the MD/APRN/PA. 



  • When a fluid restriction is ordered, the nurse obtaining the order will communicate this information to the dietary department. 

Resident Monitoring: 

  • The resident will be placed on Intake & Output (I&O) monitoring unless otherwise care planned. 

  • Water pitchers should be removed from the resident’s nightstand. 

Dietary and Meal Management: 

  • Dietary staff will mark the fluid restriction on the resident’s meal card. 

  • Nursing will divide the resident’s fluid allowance between three shifts based on the resident’s preferences. 


  • Fluid restriction and amounts for each shift will be noted in the following places: 

  • I&O sheet 

  • Medication Administration Record (MAR) 

  • CNA care card 

  • Meal card 

  • Resident care plan 

  • Daily intake will be documented in the medical record. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. State Operations Manual, Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long Term Care Facilities. [Link to current CMS SOM] 

  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current guidelines] 

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