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Feeding Assistant Program

Feeding Assistant Program 

Effective Date: [Original NPP Date] 

Revised Date: [Current Date] 


To allow individuals who have completed a state-approved Feeding Assistant Training Program to orally feed or assist residents who do not have complicated feeding problems based on resident assessment and care plan, supplementing the CNAs and not substituting for CNAs or licensed nursing staff. 


Training Requirements: 

  • Feeding assistants must successfully complete at least 10 hours of training in a state-approved feeding assistant training program, which shall include: 

  • Classroom Instruction (Minimum of 8 Hours): 

  • Feeding techniques 

  • Safety and emergency procedures, including immediate reporting to the licensed nurse in an emergency and emergency measures for choking 

  • Assistance with feeding and hydration 

  • Infection control 

  • Recognizing changes in resident behavior 

  • Appropriate responses to resident behavior 

  • Importance of reporting behavioral and physical changes to a licensed nurse 

  • Communication and interpersonal skills 

  • Resident rights 

  • Clinical Instruction (At least 2 Hours): 

  • Conducted under the direct supervision of an RN. LPNs and certified Dietitians may serve as trainers in the feeding assistant training program under the supervision of an RN. 

Record Maintenance: 

  • The facility shall maintain a record of individuals who have successfully completed the training program and share this information with other nursing homes upon request if the feeding assistant seeks employment in another nursing home. 

  • If the facility hires a feeding assistant who has been trained at another facility, a record of that individual’s successful completion of training shall be obtained. 

Resident Eligibility and Assessment: 

  • Feeding assistants shall only assist residents who are fed orally and do not have any complicated feeding problems identified in the individual’s medical record, such as difficulty swallowing, recurrent lung aspirations, and tube or parenteral/IV feedings. 

  • Feeding assistants shall not perform any other nursing or nursing-related tasks. 

  • Any resident who is to be fed by a feeding assistant shall be initially and periodically assessed regarding their ability to be fed by a feeding assistant, and all assessments shall be documented in the resident’s individual care plan. 

  • Feeding assistants will not feed residents who require thickened liquids or who are on aspiration precautions. 

Supervision and Ratio: 

  • Feeding assistants shall function under the supervision of an LPN or RN. 

  • Feeding assistants shall not be included in nurse staffing requirements and shall not be a substitute for nurse aide staffing. 

  • At no time shall a feeding assistant provide services above the following ratio: 

  • 1 feeding assistant to feed 2 residents at one time. 

  • 1 feeding assistant to cue no more than 4 residents at one time. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. State Operations Manual, Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long Term Care Facilities. [Link to current CMS SOM] 

  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. [Link to current guidelines] 

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