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E0300: Overall Presence of Behavioral Symptoms

E0300: Overall Presence of Behavioral Symptoms

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Item Rationale

To determine whether or not additional items E0500, Impact on Resident, and E0600, Impact on Others, are required to be completed.

Steps for Assessment

1. Review coding for item E0200 and follow these coding instructions:

Coding Instructions

• Code 0, no: if E0200A, E0200B, and E0200C all are coded 0, not present. Skip to Rejection of Care—Presence & Frequency item (E0800).

• Code 1, yes: if any of E0200A, E0200B, or E0200C were coded 1, 2, or 3. Proceed to complete Impact on Resident item (E0500), and Impact on Others item (E0600).

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