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Complaints, Suggestions, and Communications

Complaints, Suggestions, and Communications 

To allow every resident, visitor, and staff member the opportunity to voice their opinion. 

The facility has a policy of open communication and encourages every resident, visitor, and staff member to voice opinions, suggestions, and concerns. Several channels are available for this purpose. 

Staff Communication: 

  1. Monthly Staff Meetings: 

  • Held for all departments to facilitate open communication and address any issues or suggestions. 

  1. Monthly Supervisors Meetings: 

  • Conducted to ensure supervisors are aware of and can address staff concerns. 

  1. Monthly Department Head Meetings: 

  • A resident representative may also attend these meetings, as appropriate, to provide input from the resident's perspective. 

  1. Inservice Programs: 

  • Educational sessions that also serve as a platform for staff to voice their opinions and suggestions. 

  1. Suggestion Box: 

  • Available for staff to anonymously submit suggestions and feedback. 

  1. Individual Meetings: 

  • Staff members can request meetings with their Supervisor, Assistant Director of Nurses, or Director of Nurses to discuss concerns or suggestions. 

  1. Appropriate Lines of Communication for Complaints: 

  • All staff members are encouraged to express opinions, suggestions, etc., to whomever they wish, utilizing the proper channels for formal complaints. 

Resident/Family Communication: 

  1. Suggestion Box: 

  • Available for residents and families to submit suggestions and feedback. 

  1. Individual Meetings: 

  • Residents and families can request meetings with staff to discuss concerns or suggestions. 

  1. Department Head Meetings: 

  • Through a resident representative, residents can voice concerns or suggestions during these meetings. 

  1. Resident Council: 

  • A forum for residents to discuss and address common concerns with facility management. 

  1. State Ombudsman: 

  • Contact information posted in the facility for residents and families to voice concerns outside of the facility. 

  1. Resident Care Conference: 

  • Regularly scheduled meetings to discuss individual resident care and address any concerns or suggestions. 

Resident/Family Complaints: 

  1. Voicing Complaints: 

  • Complaints may be voiced to appropriate staff members, Charge Nurse, Supervisors, Department Heads, etc. 

  1. Documentation: 

  • Complaints will be documented on a communication sheet by the appropriate staff member, Supervisor, Department Head, etc. Investigation and appropriate follow-up will ensue. 

  1. Communication Sheet Information: 

  • Name of person filing the complaint, whether resident, family, or visitor, and date filed. 

  • Method of communication – telephone, mail, visit. 

  • Name and title of the staff member taking the complaint. 

  • Nature of the complaint. 

  • Information received. 

  • Name of the staff member that information was reviewed with and date reviewed. 

  • Name of the staff member to do follow-up and document findings. 

  • Follow-up report and date completed. 

  • Name of persons completing the report of findings, reviewed with, and date reviewed. 

  1. Protection Against Reprisal: 

  • In no event will the threat of discharge or other reprisal be used against any resident of the facility for registering a complaint. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), State Operations Manual (SOM) 

  • Requirements of Participation for Nursing Homes, CMS 

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