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Casts-Ankle Air

Ankle Air Casts 


To maintain the ankle in a stable position for increased functional use and functional alignment. 


  • Air cast 

  • Cotton sock 


  1. Preparation: 

  • A specific physician order is necessary for the application of an air cast. Only licensed nurses or licensed therapy personnel may apply the air casts. 

  • Place a cotton sock under the air cast for hygiene reasons. 

  1. Application: 

  • Place the air cast on the ankle with the air bladders running along the malleoli. 

  • Fasten the Velcro straps to keep the air cast in place. 

  1. Monitoring: 

  • Check the position of the air cast every 2 hours and reapply as necessary. 

  • Nursing/therapy staff must monitor and document any changes in edema, skin integrity, color, temperature, pedal pulse, and pain related to the application of the air cast. 

  1. Hygiene: 

  • The air cast may be removed daily for hygiene reasons. Maintain a neutral ankle position while cleansing the foot and reapply the air cast afterward. 

Compliance and Documentation: 

  • Adhere to CMS guidelines and Requirements of Participation for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • Document the application of the air cast, including the resident’s response and any observations of changes in edema, skin integrity, color, temperature, pedal pulse, and pain, in the medical record. 

  • Regularly review and update techniques for air cast application according to the latest clinical best practices and regulatory standards. 

  • Provide training to staff on proper air cast application and monitoring procedures to ensure resident safety and comfort. 

  • Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with this policy and address any gaps in practice or documentation. 


  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). State Operations Manual (SOM), Appendix PP - Guidance to Surveyors for Long-Term Care Facilities. 

  • CMS Requirements of Participation for Nursing Homes. 

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